Niall H for Saoirse PP

Day 724, 11:57 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

Hello Readers,

Today i am proposing my manifesto for Party President for Saoirse, its a bit short as im rushed for time.

Is this really necessary when your running unopposed?

I feel it is still good to know what our voting for, then you can put forward a alternative if need be.

So what are his plans?

Being a pro military party, I plan to push for more deployment of the IDF. We need to make sure our soldiers are leveling up so when the time comes they can fight to defend Ireland! Being a populist party i want to encourage more participation in votes on everything. Were populist which means everyone gets this chance to propose and vote on issues that arise! I want to try and recruit more and increase the amount of congress members from last time. We need to ensure we are represented fully by Saoirses congress members so our views are heard.

So what has he done for Saoirse?

I created the party of Saoirse a few months back with Clownprince39 and it has come on strength to strength since then. Surprisingly i have never been party president yet, holding the office as Vice President in all but 1 term. I feel my time has come to take over the party i founded and bring it into the future. The recent banning of our PP Top Gun was a big blow to Saoirse, eIreland and myself. We have lost a good man 🙁


- I founded Saoirse
- I have been congressman with Saoirse
- Im for the deploying of the military
- Im for wargames
- Im for Ireland being independant
- Im for the promotion of Ireland outside of Ireland to get more players

Saoirse Website and Forums

Irish Forums

Irish IRC (Internet Relayed Chat) - A great way to get to know everyone

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Writer of "A different point"
Recruiter for eIreland
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico