Nezavislost - where next?

Day 481, 05:00 Published in Czech Republic Egypt by Franz Kafka

So just before the Party Presidential elections an unknown person puts their name forward for candidacy of Nezavislost (or at least unknown to me) - so ends up the only candidate.

I've seen no platform from him - his publication in fact resides in eUS. I hope that Stadler City has a strong agenda for our party - and I hope that he is not simply in it for the 20experience points - or worse to stage a political takeover...

Since my reformation of the party we have seen several notable successes:
* Membership rise by almost a quarter
* Our core political platform debated heavily across eCzech (who could forget that very well-informed discussion about mercenary armies? We may not have necessarily won the argument, but it certainly got talked through!)
* eCzech Republic has now demonstrated it is a firm supporter of national self-determination and independence in our neighbourhood - both financially: through a generous donation to eIsrael and politically through our current assistance to prevent political takeover in eIsrael.
* Our representation in Congress boosted from 0 to 3 congressmen (and very active ones at that - sadly Benobi has since resigned)

I would like to appeal to this new Party President to carry on building this party. I should inform him that there is a very capable Director of Development Secretariat of the Party by the name of John Locked, and that he should seek to work with John to make this party stronger.

My last act as Party President was to nominate Radim for the next Presidential elections. Radim has proved his strength as President these last few days and also had the support of prominent Nezavislost members during the last election (even though I gave our official support to Ivan Hat). I hope that this nomination is retained and that Nezavislost is not used for purposes of a political takeover by this unknown new Party President.

Long Live eCzech Republic!
Long Live our Sovereignty at the Heart of Europe!
Long Live President Radim!

Franz Kafka