NEWSFLASH! Political take-over in Sweden - the president impeached!

Day 1,494, 12:50 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

Image: the new President of Sweden

Sweden is not only fighting against an external enemy, but against an internal enemy as well. As of today, the beloved president Jim Parsons, who won the election with 60% of the votes just few days ago, is no longer in control over Sweden. Instead, a leader from the radical socialist party MSAP has stepped in as the new commander after a successful impeachment: Raticon.

Rumor say that Raticon is called by his fellow socialist for "Dear leader".

Article by Toothpaste

Socialist parties behind the coup

Behind the political coup lies the following parties: Folkhemsdemokraterna, Partiet (NationaIgardet), MP and Nybörjardemokraterna.

FBS didn't manage to stop the impeachment even tho they have 38% of the power in the congress (you need to have 35% to stop the impeachment).

War with the Danes, Norwegians and Finns stops!

The (now former) enemies to Sweden, the Danes and Norwegians, congratulated the Swedish people and their new president.

As an direct order of the regime in Sweden, the message was to the Swedish Military and its soldiers to stop the fighting against the Danes, Norwegians and Finns. Instead the war will now only be concentrated on the Ruskis (and the Rumulians).

Commander Lonestar gets fired too!

The bellowed Swedish commander of the military forces, Lonestar is about to be relieved of his duty as well.

President Raticon will publish an official article with the names of his own political cabinet (regering) later today but I was able to get the pre-released info from him.

Raticon says that Intyala will take Lonestars old position and the Minister of Defense of Sweden. Olle21 become the vice Minister of Defense.

Volcker will take charge of the Ministry of Finance but the ministry will continue to be free from political agenda. CrazyFrog will control the Swedish Bank (Svenska Riksbanken).

NOTE: Even if this situation is a horrible news to the Swedish elite of FBS, we must continue to do good for the sake of Sweden and obey the new leadership. Captains should continue to follow orders and soldiers should continue to fight where ever they are told to go.