New Types of Raw materials discovered - NOOO

Day 1,108, 12:00 Published in Denmark Croatia by Plokite
New Types of Raw materials discovered

Dear Citizen,

In order to prepare for the arrival of new industries, eRepublik society has just discovered new types of Raw Materials: Fish, Fruits, Cattle, Deer, Aluminum, Saltpeter, and Rubber. Grain, Iron and Oil resources have been fully exploited in some regions but new findings have occurred in others.

The more types of resources a country owns, the larger the productivity bonus of the companies in that country will be. So the secret is not to own 10 regions with the same resource, but 10 regions that each have a different type of Raw Material.

Everyone is eager to see how this will influence the geo-politics of the New World.

Please check this forum discussion for more questions:


eRepublik Team

Oh great, now there will be 9 raws instead of 4 , very good idea of admins 🙂 - NOT

Here is what they wrote on forum:

Starting today, all the regions will offer a medium production value for all the resources but every region will be rich in one (and only one) resource. The available resources will be: Grain, Fish, Fruit, Cattle, Deer, Iron, Aluminum, Oil, Saltpeter, Rubber.

How will the productivity work for raw materials?
If, for instance, a country has at least one region rich in Grain, all the Grain companies in that country will get a 25% bonus in productivity. If that country looses the Grain region, the companies will stop getting that 25% bonus. The same rule applies for the Iron and Oil companies.

How will the productivity work for food & weapon companies?
All the food companies will get a 5% bonus for every type of food resource that your country has in its regions! The food resources are Grain, Fish, Cattle, Fruits and Deer. So if your country has at least one region for every of these resources, the food companies from your country will produce with 25% more! Of course, if your country has only 3 regions with rich resources, the bonus for the food companies will be 15%.

The same applies for the weapon companies. The raw materials for the weapons companies are Iron, Aluminum, Oil, Saltpeter and Rubber.

How about the other industries?
Hospital and Defense System Industries will be removed at a later date and we will pay compensations for these companies.

Moving tickets, Housing, Stone and Titanium Companies - will be the first companies (and for a period of time the only companies) that will have access to the future new industries. We will let you know soon the details of the migrations.

Does this give a big advantage to big countries?
Not quite, because the best strategy is to have at least one region that is rich in one particular resource. The goal is to own all the 10 different types of resources in your regions. And the new allocation of the resources is set up so that no country has in its original regions more than 5 types of resources. Sure a small country like Singapore who owns only one region will have only one resource (unless they conquer more regions).

This sounds quite complex. How it affects me?
Well, if you are a simple 2 clicker you shouldn't worry. The thing that you should know is that it would be great if you could help your country to conquer regions that offer different types of raw materials. It will help your country's economy.

If you are a company manager - almost the same. Depends on the industry: Owning an iron company - you will want the Iron bonus. Owning a grain company - you will want the Grain bonus. Owning a Food company - you will want as more food resources. Owning a Weapons companies - weapon resources.

Politician/leader - well, here it's a little more complicated, as you will have to decide your geo-politics strategy so that your country will own as many types of resources possible. We won't teach you how because you will find the best ways for sure.

New World Map -


I have a grain/iron/oil Raw Materials company in a region that doesn't have anymore grain/iron/oil as a resource. What should I do?
Check if another region in your country has that resource. If it has, don't worry, you get the 25% bonus.

Well, it doesn't.
You will still be able to produce the raw material but you won't get the 25% bonus.

But I want the 25% bonus
Then wait for a few days as we will offer the possibility to move your company from a different location or from your organization to your citizenship country. And you will get also a bonus for that! 😃

Neah, I want the bonus faster. How can I get it?
Normally, your country neighbors should have at least a region that is rich in grain/iron/oil. If your country conquers that region, you will get the bonus.

I'm still not happy!
Damn, you're difficult. In a couple of days we will put live a small tool so that you can change the industry of your company. This means that if you have a grain company it can be transformed into iron or oil and vice-verse. Analyze this very well because that tool can be used only once for that company. This tool will be available only for grain, iron or oil companies and, in order to avoid any problem, you will be able to own more than one company on the same industry.

You can see above everything you have to know about this new change. Now this is why I dont like the new change:
1.) It is dificult to understand it's bonus..
2.) You have to watch out what is the best region to capture(what kind of resource)
3.) My companies wont be so good anymore 🙁

And that would be enough for this BIG change...

Thank for reading!!


999 subs:

1000 subs !!

Thanks to player System Shutdown for taking those pictures 🙂 .