New shape of Europe

Day 885, 05:08 Published in Russia North Macedonia by MakedonecMKD

In this article I'm gonna write about the wars in Europe. Yesterday and before it, it was so quiet. And suddenly BOOM!!! Whole Europe in war. First the most interesting war is that Russia attacked Poland - Pomerania and Mazuria. In the moment the wall in Pomerania is 381142 and if they keep going like this Poland will save its region. About Mazuria the wall is 1040781 and Poland will also secure this region if they keep going like this.

Saxony, the original territory of Germany, now in Spain, is under RW and the wall is 19772 and it seems that Spain will secure this region.

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Czech Republic attacked Slovakia region - Western Slovakia.

The region Styria and Carinthia in Slovenia is attacked by Croatia. The original region of Austria - Carinthia, now in Slovenia started RW. Croatia is attacked by Serbia in the region Slavonia, and Northwest Croatia is attacked by Hungary. To get Hungary's attention, to have less fighters in Northwestern Croatia, Romania attacked Southern Great Plain. Also that happened in Rajasthan - India attacked Serbia's land in Asia, to distract Serbia's attention, to have less fighters in Slavonia. Burgenland is original territory of Austria and now belongs to Hungary. In there also is started RW.

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Languedoc Rousillion - Spain started RW - original territory of France. It seems that it's Phoenix's turn! While Phoenix is protecting France, I don't know what are they doing in the Entente. I think that it's time France joins Phoenix, and not to be only defensive, to defend their land. France could make bigger baby boom if they come to Phoenix and conquer some weak or neutral countries!
