New Players: How to get involved (part 1)

Day 688, 14:10 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

I've seen a lot of players complain and then quit because they don't have anything to do. And you know what? That's a very legitimate complaint. Unless you know what you're doing, it's hard to have fun in this game. It's almost built backwards in that all the fun is once you reach the top, not at the start. So, we what can newbies do?

1. Join a political party.

Politics, good or bad, are a part of this game. Erepublik attracts a very pro-politics crowd, which has been a downfall for countries (especially ours) for a while. However, political parties do provide a new player a good way to get involved early. I joined the USWP and got involved in different programs before eventually joining the Executive Board, which propelled this game into a whole different dimension for me. I'm sure if you, a new player, asked your Party President to help out, they'd find a place for you. I know in the Democratic Party ( we always have something new players can do.

2. Work for the government

There are plenty of places, especially in the Executive Branch, where a new player can work. For example, the State Department is one of the largest of its kind in the world. You could apply to be an Ambassador, an Undersecretary, or a Deputy Secretary. New players can get positions of importance, you just have to prove competence and desire. Also, asking a congressman to be their aide can prove to be a worthwhile engagement. It's a great way to start a career in politics. Just remember, role playing is OK and fun, but don't take it overboard and bring in partisan politics.

3. Join the military or an appropriate mercenary group

Of course, the Training Division is backed up. I think we all know that. However, it can't ever hurt to join the military. Even if they take a long time to get back to you, it takes but a few minutes to sign up. If you don't have that long of an attention span, you could join a mercenary group, like George Barker's Eagles Militia or Josh Frost's SEALS. The military is a great way to have fun and do something in this very limited game.

4. Join the forums and speak up

This is one that's often overlooked. Joining the US Forums ( can provide much insight and activity for a new player. You won't be overly knowledgeable about the topics -- a lot of old timers aren't -- but speaking up in an articulate and respectful tone will surely provide you entertainment and help advance your career, whatever it is.

Before tradition, a quick public service announcement. As was mentioned in the Democrat's recent press release (, we're looking for a party chief of staff, pref. one with government experience. Inquire within. We've had great applicants so far but I'll hold out for another day or two.

