New Minimum Wage Proposal

Day 553, 14:00 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

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simply because the lower the min wage the lower the food costs and its far more easy for low skilled workers to eat

if you join the game in the Philippines you get 5 PHP for joining (this comes out the country's bank account)

then if u grab a skill level 0 job u get 1 php and u lose 1 wellness you can then afford a few Q1 foods

after one days work, your skill level will be at 0.50. if you do not waste your moeny on useless things like weapons or moving tickets or anything else for that matter...

you should have enough money for another day of eating and working

after the second day of working your skill level should be at 1 thus giving you a raise in pay, and depending on your employer you should have enough money for a days food (if you dont get a raise, quit and find a new job after day 3)

while you work every day your skill level will steadily increase giving you the easy money for food

if you want some tips for keeping your wellness falling

1) only work dont train (if your under 40 and keep going down..)

2)work at a Q1 company (Q1 = 1 Star) the higher the Star's the more wellness you lose every day for working

3) save up for a house, depending on the house level (Q1-Q5) you lose less wellness per day

4) when you have a decent ammount of money you start to buy gifts and then look for a "gift friend" who everyday will gift you and in return you will Gift them (When you get gifts your wellness increases depending on the Gift 10 Q1 gifts = 10 wellness, you can only be gifted 10 wellness every day)

5)the most easy way...(not for new comers tho) when you have enough money and are stable with your income buy 2 moving tickets, move out to a county which is at war and fight once
make sure you are in the countries capital which has a Q5 Hospital or any region with a Q5 hospital, after fighting once you will lose 10 wellness but after fighting and then using the hospital you will gain back Wellness depending on the Q level of the hospital (Q1 =10 wellness Q5 = 50 Wellness) but remember YOU CAN ONLY USE A HOSPITAL ONCE PER DAY

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Also To the new guys who are in congress, when you make a proposal make a debate area to get your point of view across if you dont have a news paper ask one of the friedly active news crews around such as Ariel or the daily coconut