New military formula

Day 1,084, 10:19 Published in Denmark Croatia by Plokite

In day 1081, we finally have out strength back, together with some sort of new military formula. Although the old formula remains a mystery with different types of military skills, the new one is relatively easier to guess. After hours of data collecting and analyzing, now we have the following new military formula:

D = ((R/50 + 0.4) * (S + 100)/5 + 10) * Q

D: the soldier's damage
R: the soldier's rank factor. You can also look up your rank level here
S: the soldier's strength
Q: Quality of the soldier's weapon factor. Q = 1 + Quality/5. If the soldier has no weapon, Q = 1. If the soldier is using a Q5 weapon, Q = 2.
(For non-standard weapons, Q = 1 + FirePower/100. )

You can see your Rank level here:

Take me for example. My rank level is 27, and my strength is 108. So when I'm not using a weapon, my damage should be ((27/50 + 0.4) * (108 + 100)/5 + 10) * 1 = 48

There might be minor skews here as the formula above is only a guess. But we can also see it basically fits our actual damages.

Thanks for reading!

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