New Knesset Charter and Updates

Day 970, 20:33 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Here is the new Knesset Charter I have written and Proposed. It still needs some polishing and feedback from other KMs but I posted it here to make it public. It will go to vote soon and then become the Official Knesset Charter. Once it is Official I will need help translating it to Hebrew and CROY Language 😃 You can skip to the end of the article where I have a lot of updates about the Knesset


Knesset Charter:

- The Knesset is lead by a Speaker of the Knesset. The Speaker of Knesset or SoK is elected by Knesset members.

The Procedure for the election of SoK is as follows:

-Immediately following Knesset Elections nominations for the future SoK should take place. The nominations period last 24 hours and following that tiem no more nominations are allowed. A Person being nominated must publicly accept the nomination before he or her is recognized as a nominee. No Self Nominations are allowed. Nominations are restricted to Knesset members only and the nominations should take place in the private knesset forum with the results posted in the public forums.
-Following the Nominations the Elections process will take place and also last exactly 24 hours. Whoever wins the most votes following the 2 hour period is the new Speaker of the Knesset. The Nominee who got the second most number of votes becomes the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset.

Duties of SoK and Deputy SoK:

- The Speaker of the Knesset is required to appoint Chairs for each of the Committees of the Knesset.
- The Speaker's job is to ensure to the best of his ability that all KMs are active follow the rules of the Knesset .This includes ensuring all chairs perform their duties aswell.
- The Speaker is to work closely with the executive branch to ensure cooperation between different branches of the eIsraeli Government
- The Speaker will be responsible to post announcements regarding the activity and work of the Knesset to promote government transparency and public awareness and input.
- If the Speaker of the Knesset is unable to perform his or her duties the Deputy Speaker takes over as Speaker of the Knesset and must appoint a new Deputy. If Said Deputy is a Chair of a Committee a new chair must be found.
-The Speaker reserves the right to create new committees with a majority approval of the Knesset. After said committee is created the Speaker is obliged to appoint a new Chair and ensure it is functional.
- The SoK can be impeached by a majority vote in the Knesset if he or her is found not to performing duties following rules or representing the views of the Knesset and/or the eIsraeli people. In the event a SoK is impeached the Deputy takes over.
-The Speaker reserves the right to add and remove people to the Knesset Blacklist.
- The SoK is the global moderator of all Knesset Forums and Sub Forums.

Knesset Members Duties and Rules:

- All Knesset members are required to be registered on the national eIsrael Forums.
- All Knesset Members are required to sign up for a Knesset Committee
- Knesset Members may not propose laws without first opening a discussion to debate said law.
- Knesset members are required to view discussions for proposed laws before voting especially in the case of Presidential Impeachments and other important matters.
- Knesset Members are required to donate all gold earned after being elected to the eIsraeli Treasury.
- Failure to follow these rules will lead to said Knesset members being placed on a Knesset Blacklist.
- Members of the Knesset can propose the creation of new committees and need a majority vote for Committees to be put into place.
- KMs can impeach a SoK if he or her is not performing his duties or following Knesset Rules or not representing the views of the Knesset and/or the eIsraeli people. In the event a SoK is impeached the Deputy takes over.
- Knesset members can propose KMs be added to the blacklist. A Majority vote is required.
- Knesset Members can also propose KMs be removed from the blacklist. A Majority Vote is Required.
- All Knesset Members must be respectful to each other and behave in a civilized and Professional Manner. This Includes the SoK and his Deputy as well as Chairs and their deputies.
- - Knesset members cannot accept citizenship requests without first getting approval from the Immigration Committee.

Knesset Committees and Chairs:

- The Knesset will be divided into Committees. Currents committees Are the Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee (KFAC) The Knesset Finance Committee (KFC) The Knesset Defense Committee (KDC) and the Knesset Immigration Committee (KIC)
- Each Committee is headed by a SoK appointed chair.
- The Chair reserves the right to appoint a deputy who will fill in if the chair is unable to perform their duties.
- Chairs are responsible for the organization discussion and passing of laws related to their committee.
- Chairs are responsible to work with their Cabinet Counterparts to ensure needed laws are passed/proposed.
- Chairs are responsible for the KMs activity and participation and must ensure that the KMs in their committee are active and follow Knesset Rules.
- Chairs are moderators of their Respective Subforums.

Knesset Blacklist:

- The Knesset Blacklist will act as the main deterrent for KMs who fail to comply with Knesset rules and regulations.
- Once on the Knesset Blacklist you are no longer considered an official members of the Knesset and all proposed laws will be voted against.
- You will not be allowed to be on any Committee, or hold any Chair/deputy position in the Knesset.
- To be removed from the Knesset Blacklist you must write a request to the Speaker explaining why you have not been able to follow Knesset Rules or perform your duties OR promise you will follow Knesset Rules and regulations and participate from then on.
- The Blacklist will be made public before Knesset Elections and the SoK must make an effort to ensure those on the list are not elected again.
- The parties of the Blacklist KMs must be notified by the SoK.
- The SoK must show the Blacklist to other government officials so Blacklisted KMs are unable to attain other public offices whether they be elected or appointed.
- Blacklisted members may not take part in any votes for Knesset Related Affairs.
- Blacklisted members will loose access to private Knesset Forums.

Knesset Forums:

- The Knesset Forums will be divided into a Public and Private Forums.
-Private Forums will be further subdivided into forums for each Knesset Committee.
- The SoK will be granted global moderator status to all Knesset Forums and their sub forums.
-Chairs will be given moderator status for their respective sub Forums.
- The SoK will be responsible for granting KMs access to Knesset Private Forums.
- The Private Knesset forums will be where discussions debate and proposals take place.
-Public Knesset Forums will be for Knesset Announcements and other Knesset Related discussions for KM members and Non KM Members.
- The Public Knesset Forums will be used as an outlet for non KM members (eIsraeli Citizens) to express their views on the performance of the Knesset.

Amending the Charter:

- Any KM can propose amendments to the charter.
- Amendments require a Majority vote of those voting to be put into place.


Okay First off their have been quite a number of concerns about the goings on in the Knesset as of Late. I would like to make it clear that in my view and most likely the views of many other KMs and eIsraelis the the Knesset has been more active more organized then it has been in months if not ever.

The Knesset Chairs I appointed way back when have all been performing their duties and I have seen plenty of discussions debate and activity within the different committees. I Speaker with the Chairs regularly and they are on MSN.

For those of you who are unaware I will post the different chairs again here and other positions:

Speaker of the Knesset: Gavin
Deputy Speaker: Nibor Dua
Defense Committee Chair: Matan9010
Foreign Affairs Committee Chair: Ohad Sella
Finance Committee Chair: Matanb
Immigration Committee Chair: Dean Michaely

The Defense Committee has been discussing and dissecting the proposed military organizing of the new eIDF. They have been working with both the Defense Ministry and the eIDF staff to help them in areas of recruitment and organization.

Once the eIDF is fully set up I will push the KDC to work up a budget for the eIDF to pay for companies and supplies.

They have also been working on discussions about the relocation of our Hospital to Haifa.

The Foreign Affairs Committee had a lot of discussion on different MPPs and diplomatic relations with different countries. Much discussion about the new alliance "O.N.E." and the role eIsrael will play in it. They have been working with the MoFA to help establish the Ambassador Program aswell. They have also been planning and discussing eIsraels future regarding Turkey and possibly Egypt. The Egypt Matter is also being worked on in the KDC.

The Finance committee quickly got to work following the release of v2. They have discussed new taxes Minimum wage and have started a google spread sheet with a national budget.

I have brought up more discussion regarding the management and operation of government run companies and their funding which should be made more public and more organized.

I would liek to see them work more in the budgetary areas with the MoF aswell as work with the new Ministry of Trade to organized the importing of raw materials into eIsrael.

The Immigration committee has been reviewing citizenship application and doing background checks to make sure all those accepted are not harmful to this country.

I have been organizing things to the best of my ability and sending out mass messages and making public announcements to increase activity and ensure people know whats going on and are satisfied. Im trying my best to appease everyone who has been raising questions and doubts over the Knesset Performance. This has been one of many Articles I Have Published regarding the Knesset and I hope people find this sufficient even though many didnt read my previous articles.

I would be in favor of the creation of an Official Knesset Organization with Knesset newspaper to better organize our publicity department and ensure eIsrael is up to date on all the affairs of the Knesset.

So with the proposed charter and these updates I hope everyone is now on the same page and understands that work is being done in the Knesset and most of the Suggestions people have been giving us we have already tried.

We try our best to increase activity. The Blacklist is being put into place despite opposition. I have messaged all KMs to get active, I have messaged all party leaders to message their KMs to get active, all the chairs have messaged their Committee members to get active. Those that are still not participating will be placed on the Blacklist no questions asked. They have been asked to get active and informed of their duties and rules so their should be no issues. If they dont sign up its because they dont respect rules and have no interest in participating to begin with.

We will continue to maintain the current forum system with one private forum and one public forum there is no confusion and the majority of people are in favor of the current forum system. A private area for Kms and a Public one for Kms and eIsraeli citizens. Fair Simple Easy.

Committee structure will remain the same with mandatory sign ups.

Am Yisrael Chai