New Jersey falls

Day 639, 05:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tomas O'Se

New Jersey has fallen into Russian hands. I was there. I saw it happen. I saw their tanks demolish the biggest wall I have ever seen.

I am announcing the official end to the existence of the USA Irish Brigade.

But what does this mean for us in eIreland? With the USA so brutally defeated, what is the next move for PEACE? I anticipate in-fighting certainly without their great enemy but I also anticipate that their eyes will turn to other possible conquests.

Is eIreland safe?

I think so. We are a small nation with little in the way of natural resources. At no point have we ever rubbed another country up the wrong way. We have remained neutral and because of this we have somewhat gone under the radar. The only danger we really face is from immigration.

Let me explain why. There are and will continue to be refugees from this war. People leaving bombed out ruins in the persuit of a safer, happier life. Ireland has always been attractive in that way. The only drama we have over here is people throwing little tantrums in the media. Old and wise players getting pissy over unimportant stuff. You've all had me in stitches with your crap when I was over in America. Clicking on the Irish News over the past few weeks has been like opeing a pandora's box of whine and poetry 🙂 It kept me chuckling in my dark times across the Atlantic.

My point is that we, as a nation, have lost focus. We're so busy flaming each other that I am genuinely worry about some sort of PTO. Now of course, the citizenship module has made this more difficult but I think it's very important that we remain vigilant to this sort of thing.

There are congressional elections taking place in 5 days time. Please, let's all be very careful with our votes. Don't just pick someone in your party. Listen to shouts and articles from people who you know to be sources of information of repute.

I've just lost a war across the Atlantic. I don't want to lose my homeland as well.

Tomas O'Se

Former Leader of the USA Irish Brigade