New Defense Systems

Day 672, 14:54 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

As the war in North America is coming in to sight, we should begin thinking about new strategies for defense. One very successful strategy that I am sure we will keep is the fortress state. Piling a ton of people in two or three states to create a nearly impenetrable wall works really well. Even if it does not succeed it forces the enemy to spend enormous amounts of money. But there is one problem with our current Fortress state Florida. It is economically useless.

I propose that we make California our next Fortress. It is our economically most viable region with two high resources. If we were ever to be backed don into one state, California would be our best bet at economic survival. The high grain ensures that we can produce our own food, and the oil lets us make MT's, in case we want to evacuate out, or to make sure our soldiers can perform operations in enemy-held territory. It already has the base population over 1,000 that would make a Q5 DS cost-effective, and if we moved more active players there a Q5 hospital would make sense.

Our government should also have a set of double Q5's at the ready in case our Fortresses actually do get taken out. This way we can immediately set up a new stronghold and not be completely defenseless. Yes, it would be sort of a waste at the time it is sitting there waiting to be used, but as a long-term insurance policy, the government should at least consider the idea.

Those are just two small suggestions that I have and I believe would be beneficial should we find ourselves in this situation again. Please comment, tell me whether or not you think these make sense. If you have any ideas of your own, please post them as well. No constructive idea is a bad one.