New changes in economy

Day 1,540, 16:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

The following article article will try to summon some information, thoughts, calculations, comments and feedback on the effects of new changes in economy module of this game.

The words and thoughts were taken from various newspapers around the world addressing this subject.


Don't ask Jockson too much, because I only noticed I don't have to click that much on work button anymore. Instead, like in the old days, I can turn into a morning coffee plus newspaper double clicker. Single work and single train, ain't that great, while still earning enough money to eat three meals a day. Nothing much changed as far as I'm concerned.
But as some people that are more into a business have noticed, profits changed, the conditions under which you employ workers have changed, bot market behavior changed (presumably shifted from products market to gold, won't go into details here, but feel free to ask more explanation in comments), hyper production of raw materials is no longer matched with hyper production of finished products, and other stuff.


To calculate the profit this company is making, we take the following parameters: number of country resources, productivity, wages, value added tax, raw material prices, and price of this q6 tank.
The person that calculated this found 1 resource in his country. He needs 720 weapon raw materials at 0.1 to produce them. He makes twelve that costs him 72 in materials plus 60 he pays for wages. He makes them with ten workers now, sells them at actual price, deduces VAT, and buys gold with that. All in all he's got 2.03 gold here.

Same calculation for this company. The man's got 1.48 gold profit.

0.905 gold

0.78 gold

0.285 gold

0.23 gold

0.13 gold

0.04 gold

The readers have made various comments on this changes in economy. Here's some of them.

- there's no need to make further calculations for smaller companies. one thing is obvious, however small there'll always be profit.

- it's impossible to train now. it's not realistic that a q6 factory owner can't earn enough money for training

- to be honest, the changes have ruined many players, reduced their profits that is. Many, including me, that invested all they got into q4 raw companies, were totally fucked up, but in spite of that I still think that the changes were good and that economy is slowly returning to normal. We may not be able to hit 2400 damage non stop with q6 tanks anymore. But then a lot will depend on how much work you devote to making money, so all in all, I find these changes welcome.

- good analysis. when you collect all resources, the q2 will be profitable, too

- We're getting closer to a situation where individual rich player will be able to conquer whole lands. It is no longer a question whether he will manage to spend the desired money in required time. Only the question will he want to. Who will stop him? Half of the people won't be able to hit a quarter of what they used to hit. The "babies" are already crying about not having money for q6 tanks anymore.

- Bastards. I'm speechless ...

- Just dissolved all my companies and bought 3700 tanks. If the price goes up, great, I'll profit. If not, great again, I'll be having tanks for four months.

- You all don't have a clue. The changes are good because the worse one are coming. Cheers.