New Beginnings

Day 535, 14:51 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Dear Readers,
I apologise that I must inform you that we will no longer be publishing weekly articles. I find it too time consuming to full commit to them weekly, especially due to RL commitments and my new position as the Minister of Health. Events move far to quickly in politics to only release an article on a certain day of the week, and it limits what I can give the readers insight on.

Congratulations to Sara Droz for winning the elections, she deserves the place at the top of the government after all the hard work she has put in. As the new MoH it will be my job to wind down the NHS into the training wars that will hopefully be permanently running, but things still need to the finalised before we can proceed.

I apologise to anyone offended by my comment on the IRC last Saturday night, I hope that I have not offended anyone and that people can see that it has been taken out of context and misquoted against me by the likes of GF, Brodie and Bob who think it is funny to do things like that and I'd like to ask them to stop. Especially Malta who as a mod and as an ex-CP should know better than to do that.

Please subscribe, I will be continuing my political commentary over the next few weeks and hopefully get some interviews in with predominant members of the eUK society.

IndieKid, Editor of The Observer