New Article from the Minister of Information

Day 524, 16:20 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization
Congress Results:
I will keep this concise as I'm sure many of you already know the results by now. Please note the figures in brackets is the difference between this month's and last month's Congress results.

Total votes cast: 216 (+27)

Votes for ISRP: 85 (+31)
Votes for IUP: 74 (-16)
Votes for IF: 32 (+10)
Votes for FF: 14 (+4)
Votes for IFP: 9 (-4)

Total number of Seats: 40

Seats for ISRP: 17 (+5)
Seats for IUP: 13 (-4)
Seats for IF: 6 (no difference)
Seats for FF: 3 (+2)
Seats for IFP: 1 (-3)

What's going on in Congress?
A proposal (by Top Gun) was passed by the Congress, by a 28 to 1 vote, to export a Q4 hospital to Cork and Kerry. The discussion can be found here:

The Congress passed another law (proposed by Starks Hayter) by a 21 to 4 vote, reducing iron import tax to 1%. The debate can be found here:

A law raising food income tax to 10% and reducing food import tax to 15% (proposed by Vinners) was widely rejected by the Congress at a 4 – 33 vote.

A proposal raising the minimum wage to 5 IEP (proposed by Pogue Mahone) was rejected by the Congress by a 12 to 25 vote.

Currently there is discussion taking place in the Dáil (proposed by Aran Tal) about reducing housing VAT to 1%. It can be found here:

Vinners, formerly representing the IUP, has resigned as Congressman and has left the country.

Could all Congressmen/women, who haven't already, please sign in on the eIreland forum here:

What's going on in other Ministries?

Health Ministry – A new wellness scheme other than gifting has been introduced. It entails giving two moving tickets to successful applicants so that they can move to a region at war with a Q5 hospital, fight once, heal and then return home with 40 more wellness. The scheme is called 'Fast Wellness' and citizens can apply here.

Ministry of New Citizens – Starks Hayter has published his third article aimed at helping new citizens, it can be found here.

Ministry of Education – If you want to know what classes are available or want to sign up, please go here:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Kiemar has received two messages looking for eIreland to support two different alliances. The first would work out as a MPP with eight other European countries. The second one would act more as a militarized third alliance between neutral nations. The offers are currently being scrutinized by the Dáil.

Ministry of State Companies – Artaxerxes Pavonis has published an article indication where State Companies are heading which can be found here. Furthermore, there is a debate in the Dáíl as to where Irish weapons should be sold. The ongoing debate can be found here: Irish State Weapons is the only State company at the moment actively posting jobs. Currently, it has 94 employees and 2029 Q1 weapons in stock. They are 177 workers at Irish State Housing and it has 16 Q1 houses in stock.

War Games
Top Gun is currently waiting on a draft contact to show to the Dáíl. However the proposed plan is for eIreland to declare war on eUSA and attack Rhode Island, thus activating all ATLANTIS alliances. Under these terms we would actually receive money for each battle, resulting in free war games for eIreland.

For those of you who like to place bets, Brian Boru has started a forum which can be found within the eIreland forum here:

If you haven't already please join the eIreland forum and engage with discussions.

As always, I am open to suggestions and feedback would be greatly appreciated. If any minister wants me to include further information from their ministry, feel free to pm me. Finally, please vote this article so that more citizens get to be informed 🙂