New Article from the Minister of Information

Day 515, 08:06 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization
Results from Party President Elections
I'll keep this concise as I'm certain the majority of you already have already seen the results.

Irish Union Party: Severin (2😎 - Inquitus (20)

Irish Socialist Republican Party: Starks Hayter (14) – Kiemar (9) – Thomas Page (7) – Sean Greene (7) – Kevin Hutchinson (4)

Ireland First: Top Gun (19)

Irish Freedom Party: 5n4keyes (4)

The Irish Party: Thomas Oliver (2)

Fianna Fail: No Election

Irish Democratic Party: No Election

What's going on in Congress?
The new citizen message was changed (proposed by Top Gun) and ratified by a 15 – 12 vote. The discussion can be found here:

A proposal raising food import tax by 5% and lowering food income tax by 4% (proposed by cleansteve) was rejected by the Congress at a 5 – 21 vote. The debate can be found here:

Congress voted on a State Company Plan proposed by Artaxerxes Pavonis. The results and discussion can be found here:

A constitutional amendment was passed by a 13 – 1 vote (proposed by Sean Greene). The discussion can be found here:

Both PsyderEyes and cleansteve, formerly representing the Irish Socialist Republican Party in Congress, have resigned as Congressmen. They are now 34 people left in Congress.

What's going on in other Ministries?

Health Ministry – The Health Ministry's gift reserve is running low and as a result the performance of the Gifting Program has been affected. Hopefully the reopening of State Gifts should tackle this problem.

Ministry of New Citizens – Starks Hayter has published two articles aimed at helping new citizens. The first one can be found here. The second one can be found here.

Ministry of Education – AppleMan is recruiting teachers, the article can be found here. If you want to know what classes are currently available or want to sign up to one, please go here:

Ministry of Defence – 5n4keyes has been appointed Minister of Defence to replace Igor Thunderbrow. 5n4keyes intends to redesign the Irish Defence Forces and a discussion on it can be found here:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Kiemar has been in contact with the MoFA of the United Kingdom regarding a training war between Ireland and United Kingdon versus Canada. The discussion is still ongoing and plans are still being made.

Ministry of State Companies – Currently they are 108 workers working for Irish State Weapons and has 1894 Q1 weapons in stock. Irish State Housing is employing 191 workers and has 13 Q1 houses in stock. Irish State Gifts is the only state company currently offering jobs and is employing 52 citizens so far. As I have mentioned above Artaxerxes Pavonis has put forward a state company plan to sell state houses and export state weapons abroad.

A Population in Decline?
They are currently 1950 citizens in eIreland. The population boom has clearly ended and the population of eIreland has been slowly but consistently dropping for a while now. Furthermore, in comparison to last month, a lot less people join eIreland everyday (the number of employees in State Gifts is a reflection of this).Taught I'd throw that out there.

If you haven't already please join the eIreland forum and engage with discussions.

As always, I am open to suggestions and feedback would be greatly appreciated. If any minister wants me to include further information from their ministry, feel free to pm me. Finally, please vote this article so that more citizens get to be informed 🙂