New ambassador in Turkey - from the land of Lithuania!

Day 899, 05:42 Published in Turkey Lithuania by Ignas Grinevicius

Hello, dear friends from Turkey! It's Lithuania calling!

I have just ended my second term as a president of Lithuania and did not run for more, because I think that it's time for other guy to do his best while being a president and because I want to try something new. Something like... being an ambassador!

... in the glorious Turkey! I picked your country, because you're the great allies of ours and well... I simply think it somewhy is going to be fun and interesting here.

So who is that yellow-green-red beaver?

I started playing this game on the day 607 of the new world and throughout my all eLife I was nothing else but politician. I made it to the congress on my first try, I won a party president elections on my first try as well (I hold a record in my country of wining the PP elections most times), but... there was a barrier I couldn't jump over 5 times (if you don't count that non-full term when I became a president after manteliuks got impeached)! It was becoming a president of my country, but I kept trying and in March the luck said "yes" to me - I finally won the elections. The same thing happened in April and maybe could've happened in May, however, I did not try for the eight time - I need to relax! And the sunny Turkey is a great place for the vacation!

I will keep you on track with the newest news from Lithuania and I hope we'll have a terrific relationship!

Sevgiyle Kalın

An ambassador from Lithuania - Ignas Grinevičius