Need a Vacation? No Problem!

Day 842, 14:08 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

Well, Shaolins have successfully PTO'd our government. Even though JNArno was elected president by the Swiss people under a bipartisan election, the Shaolins controlled the congress and were able to impeach him.

Many people of Switzerland are frustrated by this blatant maiming of democracy. However, I urge you not to give up.

I know it's hard to keep fighting against the PTO'ers. So to help you revive for a few days, I've started up a nice little offer I call Penguin Airlines.

What will this exciting offer include? Well, contact me, and I'll sign you up for a nice vacation in one of three countries, Australia, Japan, or Italy!

For three days, you'll have an all-expenses paid trip, we'll provide you with moving tickets, q5 food, and I'll even make up annoying jokes and pm them to you!

After three days of wonderful bliss, we'll give you a moving ticket and you'll be back on your way to Switzerland. This is a great alternative to becoming a two-clicker, moving away, or even (gasp) quitting eRepublik!

Contact me if you want a vacation! Even if you feel perfectly fine, vacations are cool. Have fun!

Swiss Mentor Program:

Despite the truly awful political news, Switzerland's community has been growing well. I've recently been swamped with mentor requests.

For the first time ever, I now have more students than I do mentors. If you want to become a mentor, contact me! I'll tell you the requirements, and hopefully we'll get you signed up. If you need a mentor contact me and I'll get you signed up with one.

Shaolin Democracy:

We've already been hit with our first does of Shaolin democracy... their so called "Escape from EDEN."

What was the Escape from EDEN? Apparently, a bunch of Shaolins decided to hold a poll on their forums to decide if we should leave the EDEN alliance or not. They accidentally forgot to inform the Swiss population of this poll.

14 people voted, 13 of which were Shaolins. Let me say that again.

People of Switzerland, 13 Shaolins voted to leave EDEN, and because of their votes, Switzerland is leaving the EDEN alliance. Now, the Shaolins are claiming that is was the "decision of the people."

Don't worry, people of eSwitzerland. Many other countries have become aware of the PTO in Switzerland and the Shaolin regime, so their decision is doubtfully going to be taken seriously. When the time comes, the Swiss people will decide their alliance for themselves!

And don't forget the most important: Be PENGUIN!

Have a great eLife everyone!
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