NCP/AED Forum & Party Leadership & FREE Tanks?

Day 1,551, 23:27 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

I am pleased to announce that the New Conservative Party and American Eagle Division now have new, official forums. Mudsquisher took the initiative in setting these up, and I would like to make these the most active rendition yet. I am offering FIVE free Q5 tanks for any member of the NCP or AED who signs up to the forum and makes at least one constructive post. Contact me for your tanks after you do this.

Further, the party is in need of members to step up in to leadership roles. If there is an area which you would like to assist the party, please contact either myself, or Party President LordRahl2 about how you can get more involved and what sort of position would be a good one for you. Also, a reminder that party congressional spots are on a first come, first serve basis, so if you want to sign up, please do so! Finally, remember that candidates who put the most effort in to their campaign greatly increase their odds of being remembered by the party on voting day! 🙂

Warm Regards,
General Cartman Lee
Founder of the New Conservative Party
General of the Armies ******
American Eagle Division
EDEN-TERRA Unified Command