
Day 1,562, 17:52 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

Long time ago there didn't exist a distinction between nations, there didn't even exist a distinction between people, they were all equal tending to survive. The shere definition of nationalism came into being in the modern times - with that I mean the amount of hate, cultural traditions and waging wars just due to being part of something. I hope that can somewhat explain why I hate being part of something, being part of something automatically means you have to pick a side for which you will fight for, and that's exactly why we all are unwise in this very given circumstance. Nationalism, correct me if I'm wrong, never brought anything good, it's just a human excuse for getting rid of others with pretending that they aren't as worthy as you or even worse, their stupidity prevails over the wisdom that few possess. It is more or less true that's how nations extinct, their wise individuals flee to other lands or are forgotten in home lands. Anyhow, they know that nationalism never brought anything good, it never gave humanity a good cause to fight for something, it was simply an excuse that the capitalists used to their benefits. The time when money came into contact with the idea of supremacy over a nation, that's the time when nationalism became strong as ever, the time when idea of fools became popular.

And that's why it comes to my attention, the idea is closely related to eRepublik. Some of us were stupid enough to invite other people to this game while promising them a chance to fight against their neighbors - who they dislike in real life. And in that case, we weren't trying to fix the thing that I personally despise, that is nationalism, we made it worse. You had people who were brainwashed with hate to fight against others for no clear reason. When you understand the name of your nation is simply a word given by others and is not relevant, then you understand the whole point - how pointless the idea that is quite popular these days is.

I personally am not trying to change your thoughts regarding this matter, and I'm not even targeting for that in the first place. My mission, goal is to show you the amount of stupidity you must have to believe in this crap called nationalism. The definition of it is somewhat like this, you are in belief how great your country is, there exist no other things except how glorious your nation is. You hate neighbors for their actions they have done hundreds of years ago and you believe they should pay for what they did. Now, please, listen to me, if you believe the media and the people who tell you how distrustful people bordering you are, then you surely lack your own opinion about it. I know it takes some time to become aware of it, if not, just read some theories about how nationalism came into effect. For example, Serbians are praising their loss in the battle of Kosovo - they don't have anything else, but as they say, the fought valiantly. You can probably see the irony here. Nationalism blinds and poisons your thoughts, makes you do things which a normal person wouldn't and you are more or less becoming part of an organization who doesn't even care for you. To them, to the organizations that are presumably nationalistic, you are just a tool for them.

In eRepublik, nationalism is booming as never before. people with radical ideas can get their voice heard and the consequences may be dire and unprecedented to some degree. You have to be aware, by exposing real life issues in this game you are doing just what the creators of this game want you to do and that's what drives this game on. Mutual hate - the main thing that forms modern nationalism - and you start to worry what tomorrow might bring. With your nationalistic ideas you are hating an imaginary nation created only in our minds, borders that in reality do not exist, thoughts which could be spent better, that's all there is. And we still hate, to what end, to what end, my dear readers? I suppose stupidity is just a part of us, we must experience it some time to become wiser.

To sum it up. Nations as well as borders are more or less needless barriers. We shouldn't distinct by cultures or languages since we are all the same. But that still doesn't prevent us from hating each other for pretty much a land which is considered as part of your nation in our wild imagination. We ourselves have no benefits by controlling that land, corporations do and once you understand the big players are behind nationalism, well then, you will understand how fooled you were.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly