National tournament Soldiers of Fortune - The way to win!

Day 2,775, 19:54 Published in India Cuba by Fernando de la Cromid

The only motto of the tournament is to do more kills in every battle you fight, do daily orders + 2 click. This is what our fighters of the week do in regular basis regardless of the tournament. The only additional constraint is that we have to finish as top 5 killers in as many number of battles.

We may not end up in top 10 countries. There are many fighters in India who are holding more than 100 energy bars. So we have a chance to win the 2nd place(11th-20th positions) or 3rd place(21st-30th positions) in this tournament if we co-ordinate things well.

This post is to connect the people in need with people who can support. Just post the gold you need in comments using the following formula and donors/loaners will help you.

Gold needed = ((EB * 10 + E/10)/3 - BZ) * 0.18182 - G - GB

EB - Energy bars in your hand right now
E - Energy you can recover in a week when you are active
BZ - Bazookas you already have
G - Gold you already have
GB - Gold you can buy without help
0.18182 - Cost of gold per bazooka

Gold donors/loaners and the top fighters will be honoured after the tournament. Top 50 fighters will be awarded with 10 Q7 tanks after the tournament as a respect for their contribution.

Note :
1) You will have to activate many houses when you sleep the tournament week.
2) If you are out off bazookas, use this hack to kill a lot
3) Energy bars are very costly to buy with gold compared to bazookas and is not advisable.