Nami for eJapan Empress 11/2009

Day 734, 19:20 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

Nami enjoying cold ice tea

Hi eJapan, my name is Nami. No I don't have a last name as I was found in the midst of a huge pirate attack, which is ironic considering that I am also a pirate myself now that I am older.

But don't worry, I'm not the bad kind. We go around looking mainly for treasure, and when we fight people it is usually because either they started it or my rubber brained captain decided to pick a fight... most likely over food or a nakama. The later I can forgive, the former... well let's just say I side with the other guy...

But enough about that, you want to know why I would make a good Empress!

Nami working on her Maps

Ever since I was a little girl I have had a talent for map making. I love looking around and getting a feel for the land and the ocean. From my first map to the ones I am currently working on, my skill has remained high. My dream is to draw a map of the world using my own skills. By being on a pirate ship I am capable of seeing many strange lands, and previously unheard of places.

On top of my skills as a map maker, I am also a skilled Navigator. Since I make maps I'm highly skilled at reading them, as well as reading the land and water, as well as any type of compass this crazy world might throw at me.

I believe that if you want to do anything, or go anyplace, your first must know where you are, and then be able to know which direction to head. An empress with a good head on her shoulders is just the type of empress I'll be.

Nami using her Clima Tact

Let's talk about another thing I'm skilled in. I'm good at making do with what I have. Unlike most of my crew, my place on this ship is based on my skills of wit: Navigation, map making, and even a bit of cat thieving. However when it comes time to fight, despite my lack of physical skill or a devil's fruit ability, I still get by.

I use my natural acrobatic skill to wield a long pole. When my crew made it up to a sky island I was clever enough to snag some 'weather' devices from their superior technology. These devices that can snap together to maker a pole for fighting can also manipulate weather properties.

Thanks to my innovation, and ability to see the value in items, I can pull my own weight in battle.

Speaking of the value of items....

Nami enjoying the idea of being rich

Have I mentioned how much I love money?

Growing up poor I quickly learned the value of money, and have wanted as much as I can have ever since. Pirating is perfect for this since it allows me to gain money quickly. Further, since most of our targets are good for nothings anyway, its kind of like a reward for liberating the world of their presence.

Now don't get me wrong, just because I love money doesn't mean I am lax about it. Oh no. I pinch every penny, splurging only on the occasional local 'thing', but otherwise ensuring that our ship is well stocked with food, repair items, and the such. Considering the stomachs aboard my ship, the costs just to travel can be a burden, but since they all pull their weight I don't mind so much paying for usual meals...

Regardless, money is extremely important, and if anyone owes me money I am diligent to collect. Money makes the world go round and unless you are smart about it, money will be like storm on the sea, here one day, gone tomorrow.

The amazing Nami

The choice should be clear, an empress who can navigate hardships, who is innovative, smart, beautiful, and with a good sense about money, is the type of Empress eJapan needs!

So vote for me, Nami, as your next Empress!