Nagyzee running for party president in DAP

Day 664, 17:00 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Dear DAP members and other concerned citizens,

I'd like to announce my candidacy for party president of DAP. A bit late but I think most of you saw this coming. In my former article about party politics I've told what I don't like about current party politics in FRoSEA and I'd like to see to doing something about it. I plan to transform DAP into a more active party with a more clear and better communicated program and well defined ideals. I'd also like to strengthen the inner structure and cohesion of the party.

As party president I'd like to:

- Start discussions on the party forum on all major topics so that we can formulate the party's platforms on these topics efficiently
- Hopefully form a strong core team of active users in the process who together has plenty of expertise on all major fields (economy, military, social affairs)
- Get the party's ideals, programs, standpoints regularly communicated in the media
- Introduce positions inside the party to get us more organized
- Make us a lot better organized on congress elections - with deciding together who runs in which region and trying to get us represented in congress by active congress members.
- Rename the party: DAP is the name of a real life Malaysian party and while before it was not a big issue but with hundreds of Malaysian users joining the game it feels like an unfair advantage now

I won't hide that I'd also like to play a significant part in shaping DAP's ideals. DAP has always been a centre party and I'd like to enhance this with adding some flavours into the mix if I get support for it. In my opinion DAP should strive/campaign for building out better defined and more interesting political institutions and structures in the country on the purist basics that the game offers and I'd also like to see DAP as an advocate of a federal political set-up (well, federal as much as possible by the limited tools of the game).

Under my presidency DAP will hopefully transform into a real party consisting of people with not identical but at least similar ideals who are here because they can identify with the party and not simply because we are first in the list. DAP is the strongest party and thus is in the best position to start a "revolution" in party politics. I wouldn't even mind losing members in the process if in turn we become more active, more united and more streamlined. DAP should be a fresh, lively party and not a sleepy and slow behemoth.

If you agree with me please feel free to vote for me tomorrow on the party president elections.

Best regards,