My views on the Presidential Candidates and the whole political system itself...

Day 773, 16:28 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

My Views? Who am I to comment...

Yes i was once running for president and if i may say so I ran a hell of a campaign. There is not one person running, there never is and in eRepublik there has to be a Democracy. This is a fault in itself. Despite many people, including myself sometimes, believe Democracy is the best type of politics available it would be idiotic to say that it is the only type of politics out there. We have Dictatorships, Monarchy, Communist, Republics and Religeous run states (a form of Theocracy).

This is one of eRepubliks major mistakes. I believe a politics module would be great to put in place but I guess very hard to make due how hard it is change different governments such as military dictatorships.

Now onto the candidates for Ireland

Note: I don't mean to offend but if i do, you'll get over it. Politics isn't meant to be all pretty and nice, so I won't be. Kapeech?

Moomoohead : Moomoo, is a quiet person. I havn't seen many of his actions as he hasn't been a minister of anything but have been in personal contact with him a few times and he seems like a nice guy. Although he has entered a partnership with the party I founded for the election. I havn't seen much publically wise which is a main thing I look for in a president. Myself I don't like some of the ideals especially the IFP-Saoirse cabinet positions despite being in Saoirse myself. I feel he definatly needs more expierience to become President, such as apply for a cabinet position.

Appleman : Appleman is one of those silent workers. He has been a minister of finance various times, of which he did very well, and a general nice guy. He has been overlooked for this term because of the campaign goals, what people fail to see is that all the other candidates had the same, including myself. The National Goals will not work properly until the new module. Why hasn't Appleman written a lot of this for relection is a question a few people are asking. The simple thing is that he is busy running the country!!! He does deserve a new term so make sure you take AM into account too.

Edana Savage : Edana has always been a nice person and a friend of mine. As the MoNC you was was quite good and has been doing good as the current minister of education. From what I have seen her running partner is well chosen and expierienced and also a person I respect. I believe she could make a difference to Ireland but I also feel mabye like myself she may need a little more expierience to be the president.

There is a lot of saying there is a Ogliarchy in Ireland, meaning Ireland is run by a small group of elites. How can this be in Ireland? It is not the same people and parties every time, its the people who have the best qualifications.

How can you get qualifications if you can't get the job?

Well, how I got it was by putting in a application and becoming a co-minister. I was a minister while in Saoirse when there was no other ministers from Saoirse. I don't consider myself one of the best citizens in Ireland as there is many people I admire and look up to. I certainly wouldn't put it as a Ogliarchy...

In eRepublik its only a Ogliarchy if you make it on...

Like in life, don't let the opportunities pass you. If you don't apply you won't get it.

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ex-Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico


Oh and for everybody who hates my "pretty pictures" you've in luck today 😉