My two cents

Day 1,031, 16:45 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

This was originally supposed to be a response to jewyoyos Article but it got too long so I decided to write an article instead.

*EDIT* This is no longer a response to just jewyoyos article but a general response to comments made regarding the situation. Nothing here is directed against jewyoyo unless I said so.

I think Aeroner (although not required too) should have consulted with his MoFA and other Ministers before making the announcement. This would have saved him from all this rable and would of been the better thing to do. I find it ridiculous when I see people saying he doesnt need to consult with his Ministers before making a major diplomatic announcement such as this. Basically when people say this they are saying that senior officials in the government should be completely out of the loop and unaware of the governments current policies. Is that a government you want to live under? A government that lacks communication and organization within its own cabinet.

I still think Dean should have discussed this privately with Aeroner first. Also this is not usually how Aeroner leads. Hes usually the person to go into long drawn out discussions on the issue before reaching an agreement and I can assure you as a member of the current government that Aeroner has been actively communicating and engaging with his Ministers on various issues and that this is a isolated incident.

Aeroner you say you where only speaking for yourself. But your still our President and our representative to the world.

This quote was in an article with various other national President declaring their nations support for Macedon. This article was intended to be a tool to show that Macedon has acquired International support from various different nations. In the end of the day it doesnt matter because our allies where offended and it was a diplomatic Blunder. The best course of action would of simply been not to get involved in the situation. Its none of our concern to begin with and making an official statement on the issue whether or not your representing only your views or the view of the entire nation is going to cause problems.

What really frustrates me is the same people who are supporting this decision are saying we need to keep Real Life out of erep. They state the Macedonian Greek naming dispute is a real life issue not erep and for that reason we should simply support the Macedonian Cause. At the same time however they state we need to support Macedon because in real Life many people refuse to recognize Israel for a variety of reasons. Completely hypocritical.

Personally I find this decision a grave strategic error on the part of our President. The In game the Macedonian community is largely based in Turkey with Pro Turkish views and anti Greek and anti israel views. I dont want to generalize but this is how it is sadly. By declaring our support for macedon all we are going against the wishes of one if not our closest ally. an ally may I remind you that has come to protect us and save our skin on multiple occasions. What have the macedonians done for us? Fought against us with the Turks. You (jewyoyo) make it seem in your article that only this one guy in greece "Hellas Owns you" is against the creation Macedon when in fact most of eGreece and the eGreek government is opposed to this.

Dean Michaely is our MoFA and his job is to maintain strong relations between Israel and our allies. He has also been working very hard lately to get us entry into EDEN and from what I have been told this has set us back and that this decision has angered EDEN leadership.

Before you say that other countries that are members of EDEN have supported this its different because they are already members while we are trying to attain membership. Different situations. At the same time greece never saved those countries from being annihilated. We have a special relationship with greece and we need to preserve that.
The most concerning thing is that in the end this whole debacle makes us look weak and unorganized. Communication between Ministers and the President is vital and in this case it was nonexistent and now we have a huge PR nightmare that embarrasses us. Different parts of the government openly disagreeing with the other.

The only thing we get out of this is maybe a few macedonians happy. While we loose the respect and trust of our closest ally. If this trend continues I fear we will garner the reputation of being flimsy with our allies and not a country to be trusted. We just scuffed off our allies who actually have a country in favor of trying to appease a group of people who dont have a country and are already mostly opposed to us.

Okay now post your angry comments.