My statement

Day 740, 09:57 Published in Estonia Estonia by Navid Fattahi

Hello,before I begin,is statement right or do we write it another way?

Well forget about that,now let's begin with the main part,wich is very important.

Why does Estonia consider Finland as an enemy?and why does it consider Latvia as a friend?
Now,let the RL beside....this is a game and only cuz Estonia has good relationships with Latvia in RL,it doesn't has to have them here too.

1.Did Finland attack us?no.
2.Will Finland attack us if we continue this way?yes.
3.Did Latvia almost conquer our whole country?yes.
4.Did the Latvian-Estonian politicans learn from their mistake?no.
5.Did Latvia say a puplic sorry for what they did?no.
6.If we leave our officials alone,will they do this agian?I'm sure they will.
7.Didn't Indonesia/Hungary try a PTO when our country was born?you know better.
8.Didn't they say the only way to bee "free" is to get their puppet?Don't say no,they didn't say it so clearly but they did.
9.Atlantis tried a PTO too(Finland was in Atlantis),but they lost.

So if we read the Facts again we see who our truly enemy is,and who isn't.Why do we have bad relations with Finland?because they attacked the country that wasted our country twice?and exactly that country sais that they're our brothers.

Why does our "president" don't post a CLEAR explanation about this events?(I read the forums,there was nothing CLEAR)
Why is Finland still giving us a chance?

We can change relationships....the best example are the US and you remember the US vs Canada war in the early days?now they call themself Brolliance,Canadians can join the eUSMC and the US can join the CAF.

I think it's time to think about our politics.....the time to really think about the Baltic alliance...well if Latvia is going to be our future know what I want to say.

Our policians(is it right so?)never learn from their mistakes..and they show this ever and ever again.
