My Run for Congress

Day 733, 01:58 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Hello eAustralia. Some of you may know me some of you may not. However outlined below is my run for Senate this coming election.

Recently eAustralia has fallen into a deep slump. We have recently re-gained Western Australia from our occupier’s eIndonesia. However since then we have been bullied into signing an NAP with them and our NBA has also been hacked.
If elected as senator for Western Australia I will represent your views in Congress. I will vote according to you on the matters rather than my personal judgement.
I stand for the refusal of any further cow-towing to eIndonesia, the strength of eAustralia and the betterment of our economy.

So remember.
Vote Comrade Robb this election for the betterment of eWestern Australia.

Robb 