My Party Presidential Platform for the ANA - Stormclouds

Day 694, 12:35 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stormclouds

First of all, I would like to thank Philip Esquire for his great leadership in the past month and his support for me. He did an excellent job, and while he cannot take the PP position again, I would definitely like to ask him to help us as much as possible in the next month.

I would also like to say a sincere thanks for the recent acts of two ANA members, Exilious and George Silver. Until yesterday, they were running for the PP position with good chances, but with an act of great sacrifice and value, they both resigned to support me in the elections versus Ajay Bruno and to make sure that no votes are spread between the three of us. Acts like these show the true valor of a person, and our party: we can stay united for the higher good, even if it means personal sacrifice. I am deeply indebted to them, and the ANA for this move.

Now that the field narrowed down to an election race between me and Ajay Bruno, I can tell you without taking any risks that I am the better choice. I will not go into details about my contra candidate: I feel that anyone who reads the Media regularly already has a correct image about him. The one good thing I can tell about him is that he is much better known than me (but in his case, it's not really a positive thing). Instead, let me tell a bit to you about myself and my activity:

I've been the citizen of eSA for only a bit more than a month, joining ANA from my very first day. My actual activity began 20-25 days ago. That's not really much in terms of length, but ..

Let me tell you what I have done during these 3-4 weeks:

* I contacted Philip Esquire around the 20th with the intention of running for congress. At that point I was nobody. He accepted my request, and during the five days that passed until the elections, due to a well lead campaign, and helped by him, I managed to become the 7th congressman based on vote numbers.

* During this time I encouraged and helped Philip to make the policy reforms and articles which have actually shaped today's ANA.

*After being elected I immediately began working, firstly by founding a New Player Welcoming Program, which I run even today. I also ran a lottery which has been closed afterwards due to lack of interest, and the nomination of Grey as the person responsible for the lotteries of this country, but still, in it's one run it already helped the treasury of eSA. My third project is the SABRE Army, a new, semi-private division that will make the eSA's military capabilities better, which is almost ready to be launched.

*I was chosen as the Mentorship Director in Steven Bosch's cabinet after the president elections.

I am an active person, as the above list reflects, my motto being: "Do one thing, no matter how small, just do one thing every day for eSA".

My platform

My goals as PP of ANA are the following :

1. Further improving the image of the ANA in eSA, completing the shift from the political outcast position it had a month ago, to a fully respected party.

2. Recruiting valuable players, and new talents from the society of eSA to strengthen our party. I feel that with recruiting, we must concentrate on quality, and not quantity. Sure, a 2 clickers vote values just as much as new Einstein's, but it's not always about winning. Image, and respect are far more valuable to a party than raw victories without mass support.

3. Strengthening inter-party relations, finding political parties that share our ideas, and getting closer to them. Communication and common projects are the first step.

4. Drafting a clear doctrine for the ANA, regarding our interaction with the eSA and it's society, and our political orientation.

5. Promoting a higher number of responsible congress members from, or even through our party. I see nothing wrong in promoting 1-2 talented and active players from parties too small to run in the election, if they really deserve a seat there.

To conclude, electing me would bring a new, better, brighter era to the ANA, without stepping down the path Philip began to walk on in his last term.

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