My "Oops!"

Day 676, 10:46 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

I have been saving up some gold for a while now, hoping to buy a grain company worth more than its cost. You know, Q3 for only 50 gold or with free market licenses. I had no intention of buying anything today, as I do not have enough money to pay a lot of workers salaries, and not enough gold to buy a Q3 or higher company(which is what I am after in a grain company). Well, I just found out that accidentally clicking "buy" will leave you with a headache one you realize that you just spent a bunch of gold...

The Company I accidentally bought.

It is a Q1 grain company with 3 market licenses and 30 stock. It is located in a high grain region, so it is valuable and does produce. I currently have it up for sale for 35 gold. It is more than I payed for it, but hey, I have it, so why not try to make profit off it anyways? If you have any interest in helping me re-coup my loses, I am willing to negotiate the price down, just so long as I make up what I payed. It would really be appreciated if someone who could do something with this company would take it off of my hands!

Thanks in advance to the future lucky owner of their very own grain company!