My Manifesto - SamGibz in Western Cape

Day 882, 09:03 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz
My Manifesto

I SamGibz am running for congress in Western Cape under the banner of the Independent Alternative, a party that believes that people are more important than policies in politics. We respect everyone's views and encourage and environment where this can be done. This is something I strongly believe in and will talk about, as well as a host of other issues further on in my manifesto.

Before, I wish to tell you a little about me:

Born and grew up in Wales, eUK.
Was a Commanding Officer in the Navy.
Helped set-up a Regional Council in Wales.
Became the Managing Director of SG Opportunities, initially as a trading source and later as a company.

Moved to the eSA.
3 Term Member of Congress
One of '6' additions to Congress
Former Commanding Officer of the PG
Former Director of Education
Former Vice-Chairman of the eSAHC
Former Minister of Information
Current Deputy Minister of Social Development
Former Ambassador to several countries, now Ambassador to the eUK

Level 20
Manufacturing 8.54
Land 3.15
Strength 15
Rank General
6 Hard Worker
3 Congress
3 Super Soldier

There we have it, everything about the eRepublik me!

My Veiws

Face of Politics

It is important that every person’s views are taken into consideration for this country to be a true democracy, something I believe in. It is important that we welcome the younger person into politics and educate them on how the system works and the current situation of the country and why certain things should be done a certain way to allow them to begin to make their own informed views of how things should be done. Politics is much more than making policy and law, it is about listening to the people. After all, it is their country; we just look after it for them.

Health Care

I believe that Health Care offered on a voluntary scale should be available for those who need it on a one off. If a member of society was to work incorrectly, or didn't understand how the wellness system worked, they could be saved by a one off gift from the nation. To improve the nation’s health care, a new sustainable system must be set-up whereby they fund their own wellness. This scheme has been discussed in the forum, and I think it would work, but would want it to do so away from the eSAHC independently.

Social Development

It is important to make our country more appealing. This is why I would like to try, through the help of the IA and as DMoSD to turn our nation from being just a group of people, to a movement of people that know, respect and have a relationship with each other. We must welcome new members to our community and be actively involved with each other through games, competitions and as friends.


It is also vital to bring new people to our country. By increasing our population, we boost our economy, strength and importance in the new world. We must encourage the right people to emigrate to our country which is why I believe that our MoS is vital and should be invested in heavily. Every citizen should be checked and told what is happening constantly to ensure we don't lose them and that they are not a threat to our country.


It is important to have a strong military that is separate from the government. By having a strong military, we can defend ourselves when we become under attack, and regain our regions. The reason for the separation is so our budget is not over stretched, and more money is spent in the areas that need it.

Foreign Policy

It is important to make strong Alliances, such as the Brolliance in order to secure the future of our country. It is currently, I feel, our interests to support our Allies after they have supported us. The eSA has moved on from being in a neutral state, in the current climate it is important to be on a side for our security.

That is a quick rundown of my beliefs. If you have any questions on this, please contact me. I am a highly active member of the eSA, and support the younger generation. Building bridges with our community is the most important thing we can do right now. Our economy may not be great, but overtime it will be once more. We should regain our regions as soon as we can to send the message out to the new world that we are not a country to be messed with.

I wish to help support you build your nation, but I need your support for me to be able to do this. Please vote for me in Western Cape come Election Day. Vote and subscribe this article please. Thank you for reading.
