My last will and testament

Day 692, 09:07 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tomas O'Se

For university and work reasons, I have decided to commit eSuicide. The following document entails how my funds will be distributed.

I was not a rich citizen. I preferred to spend my funds on fighting rather than homemaking 🙂 I possessed at my eDeath 14G.

I give 1G to george heisman, 1G to elementor, 1G to biggis dickis and 1G to Endangered Species. You lads fought with me back in America in the USA Irish Brigade. That was pure fun. Please give these funds to anyone in the brigade that wants them. I honestly can’t remember the full list!

I give my remaining 10G to Grainne Ni Mhaille. You are genuinely one of the most friendly and committed people I have ever met in any online community. Now for the love of God Grainne, please spend my money on guns! I’d hate for my legacy to be spent any other way 😉

I’d also like to thank the people of my eHomeland, eIreland and the people of my shortly lived in country eJapan for putting up with my often random outbursts in the media 😉

Have fun playing eRep guys! I certainly did.
