My friend is gone. Felix Rex the unifier

Day 4,733, 03:46 Published in Switzerland Serbia by Carolus Rex.

Today, when I woke up, I got struck in my heart by devastating news.

My best erepublik friend, Felix Rex , has died in real life.
He died on 3rd November 2020. , he was 37 years old.
We celebrated his birthday on 25. October. He left behind wife, and 2 sons.

What to say about my dear friend Felix. 1 article is not enough...
He was my personal erep hero... He was hearty and devoted. True friend, true fighter, true patriot. He was the leader of Royals. The beloved president and commander.
His dreams were to become CP of eSwiss, and unifier of our whole community.
And he made it. He united us all, and he is going to be our next CP. The most famous one.


He didn't last to see his goals achieved here, but from up there, I know, up there, he is waiting for tomorrow elections. And he made it already, tomorrow it will only get confirmed. I also hope you will receieve "the fallen citizen" badge. There is noone who deserves it more than you.

You made it my dear friend.
Today, I will drink for your soul and for your safe road to the Heaven.
Tomorrow, I will drink for your victory, and achievements.
On every 3rd November, I will remember you my friend.
This is my farewell to you... I want you to know, that the golden chair is always reserved for you, my dear friend. I will miss your online status, your ideas, kind words...Like I said I will remember you forever, and I will talk to you, on every 3. November.. Farawell, my friend.

Royal and Loyal ♔7
Pro Helvetia Nostra!!