My first week

Day 2,977, 01:52 Published in USA Slovenia by Count Rango

Well, when I was told that I need to write something I was stunned. What can I write about after less than 10 days of playing? But idea was born fast. Idea to try to make first week closer to new players. A view of a player that is starting.

In my first day, I did not know what to do. Tutorial doesn't say much what you can do. How you learn are missions. Pretty basic stuff that helps grow fast and if you fight, you will reach level 20 in hour. On my first day I have wasted some gold, that could be useful in a day of discount on training buildings. Not knowing, bought 2 factories and 1 resource factory, all in all 55 gold went out my pocket. Until this day I have regret about that gold. Save your gold!! My biggest advice I can give you.

In the start as your military rank grows, you shall receive energy bars. Did not known better so I used half of what I gained, so later on when I entered Socialist Freedom Party people there explained some basic things, those little things that make your life more easy on start, as: don't use bars, save your gold, candidate for supply programs, fight as little as possible... All opposite that they said, I have done it. Today could have more gold used on training grounds, could have 12 bars more, 10 bazookas more...

I am now level 24, reached that on first week of playing when I fought every time my e energy filled out. That scared me a bit, basically unprepared, with low strength and lack of knowledge I would grow to fast and enter into division 2. Well, that is not bad, but when you think that is more easy to make battle hero medals in division 1 than other divisions, thought if I continue like that I will miss my chance. After few days I met some people, some of them contacted me and I started with my questions. All of them explained details about fighting and upgrading training grounds. Why it is important to stop fighting until your strength increase and most of all, why you need to ha patience in this game. Maybe doesn't seem like it now, but later on, if your level is low and you increase your strength, damage you do, will be high and will be easy to do a big influence in battle.

So here came into play Edgar Figaro, Ghost of Tom Joad and American university (AU). AU is a good thing for start. Explains things in a easy way, makes you think about what you don't know, things you haven't even know exist and makes you search answers, with your mentor, in my case Nothos or with people you feel comfortable to make conversation.

What would I like to say to a newcomer that starts to play today?!?
Well, that is easy: seek people to ask questions on your first day. Find Socialist Freedom Party, people there will gladly help you start. Let this party be start of your political part of this game. Find me, I will be happy to help with all your questions and introduce you with people that will take you under their wing. This game is pretty simple, all you need is right first day and that happens with help of other people.

Now, I collect my gold, save money, only fought this week to get 1 000 on starage, work hard twice a day, sitting back, waiting next discount on training grounds, wars will be here and when I do fight, will be ready to play significant role. So, patience is gold!!