My endorsement?

Day 861, 18:09 Published in Belgium Belgium by Manong Rizal
It is a new generation! Old and forgotten antics like me,

must give way to the young, the bold, and the daring!

I, Manong Rizal, wish to express my greatest honor in being a big part of eBelgium's politics and the eBelgian community. I have my doubts for the future; but I... I believe in progress. I believe that change IS inevitable and will be the true key to that said progress. Due to this, I endorse and support Ragoth to be the 3rd and the new Prime Minister of the New Era of eBelgium.

I see in him courage, motivation, and time that I truly lacked.

I trust, with his conscience and compassion, that he will do what is best for eBelgium.

I trust, with a heart to love this nation and its people, that he will foster freedom and the irrevocable rights of all.

I trust that we, eBelgium, will be in safe hands.

It is about time that I truly depart from eBelgium's scene. It is also about time for eBelgium to prosper in peace and abundance. May the next administration be blessed with all the luck in the eWorld!

Vive La Belgique!
Vive Ragoth!

Be fair, be just, be true... Manong Rizal, Belgian At Heart.

La B♥lgique, Je t'♥ime!

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No more energy to keep it goin...