My Congress Run PART 2

Day 733, 09:15 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

In my last article I said I would listen to Wester Aus citizens about how to vote in Congress. Now obviously there will be people thinking "but Robb, how can you know what we all want?"
Well I will be publishing articles in this paper discribign and outlining the situation and the way I think we should do it. I will present both sides of the arguement and then wait for your feed back. The side which has the majority will get there vote passed by me in Congress. If it is a tie or whatever well I will put it down to the side with the most convincing arguement.
Obviously there are things with only 24 hour time limits. (NAP being one example) Here I may not be able to represent your views very well but again I will poublish my articles and let you chose the way it goes. Obviously this will be for WA citizens as I will be representing them. So I would ask you to say if you are WA or not in your responces.

My platfrom is basicly based upon the fllowing lines
"You have elected me to represent you. Not for me to do as I please."
If I am elected I will represent you WA. This I can promise to you.

Comrade Robb
hopeful WA Senator.