My Candidature for Party President of the African National Alliance

Day 688, 14:11 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stormclouds

Hello everyone! I would like to announce that on the 15th I will be running for the position of Party President in the African National Alliance.

I have joined the ANA a month ago, it is the only party I have been member of here in eSA. I joined it because I was invited to it. I wasn't well informed at the time, and didn't know the bleak situation ANA was in back then. Considered a TO party, with members considered to be puppets of Ajay, and a common enemy of the entire eSA, due to it's shady past, the ANA wasn't really the top party one could choose back then. It was obvious that ANA had to reform in order to achieve any success in the political environment of the eSA. Philip, whom I cooperated with, brought us the necessary changes. I have always encouraged, and aided him in creating a new party image and policy, one that would benefit us, but the eSA as a whole too. We had a lot of success in our quest, breaking bonds with characters that made ANA's history so dark, achieving good results in the congress elections, and generally improving our image by action and decisions that benefited eSA.

As the Party President, I would ensure that we continue our progress on this path, improving our standing, and working to correct the mistakes that were made by others under this banner in the past. I would also ensure that our policies continue changing from the old, extremist, and destructive manner to the new, balanced, working, and constructive attitude.

As the Party President, I would work on our growth, I would post continuous ads, recruitment articles and so on to attract valuable players to our party. I prefer quality over quantity, so instead of focusing on numbers, I will focus on filling our party with active, and intelligent members. I think that the true, and lasting democratic victory cannot be made with mass recruiting everyone just to make our party bigger, and rely on these members to get us the votes we want. My policy is that instead of this, we should convince the society of eSouth Africa to choose us by doing quality work for them.

My motto is : "Every day is a good day to help your country", and I think my activity so far reflects this: in the two weeks since my election as congressman I spent every day creating new programs, sending help to new players and writing helpful articles. I have founded the New Player Guide Program, ran a lottery (which is in a stand-by state as someone else has been appointed to work on it), did a lot of brainstorming and negotiation related to the new division I will create very soon, and took part in the social life of eSA - read, wrote, and commented articles, registered and talked on the forums and been apointed the Mentorship Director of eSA.

I am an active person, and I intend to invest this energy into bettering eSouth Africa, and the ANA, Party President or not.

Therefore, I suggest you to choose me in the the elections on the 15th! Also, follow my advice: Do one thing, no matter how tiny, or how time-consuming, just do one little thing every day to improve eSouth Africa. It's a rewarding thing to do, and also, with every little thing you do, eSA gets a bit better! If all 668 citizens would do this, we'd surpass even the mightiest of empires in a matter of weeks! So do you part 🙂
