My Bid for the IWP President's Seat- Justin Moore

Day 565, 13:12 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

We are a few days away from the Israel Workers Party elections. I signed up for the candidacy about 6 days ago, and I noticed Yotamnor and meanie ferret man announced their bid for that posistion as well. I want to re-enterate what I have already said before as the election for the party presidency grows closer. Sadeh will be gone soon as he has announced and the party will need a strong leader to bring it thru these troubling and diffucult times no doubt. I ask that you examine each candidate in full and vote for who you think would be the most active and do the best job.

I will not give a long speech as to why I am or am not the most qualified choice; I will say only a few things.

I have noticed some day and night divisions in some opinions and views with members inside the IWP recently; we must address those as a party. There will always be difference of opinion and that is the great thing about democaracy, but to stay strong and united we must establish a strong base revolving around core ideas. Here are a couple of things I will partner up with the party on to accomplish.

I will establish a Party Convention for all the Party members to come together online in one place over a period of 3 days a month to discuss the party’s future, our core values, and where we want to lead Israel as the ruling party.

I will set up a group of party recruiters if there is not one already established to go out and invite new citizens to the party once they are eligible and to tell them about the party in general.

Most of all, I want the party and its members to have fun, be serious, active and alert to what is going on in Israel at all times. We are this nation’s steering wheel at this time in reality as the majority and we want to keep it that way. The party must realize that we are the ruling party thanks to ourselves, and we are the ones deciding who is in office, who is making our policy, and in reality who are President is. We hold the keys to power as a group of people right now, and we must not loose that. We must not allow division to cloud the view.

In saying these things I also want to say that as a party we are sometimes viewed by the broader public as a party that is in complete control and that we are going to do things the way we see fit and that is just that, this must be addressed by party leadership. As a party it is important for the greater benefit of the nation of Israel that we display an image that is productive, posistive, and enhancementable to the opposition parties and the nation as a whole. What I am saying in short is that we have some Image problems that need to be addressed and not put underneath the table until the next election. We need to be a friend to all people of Israel, and all parties. Its time to reach across the table and shake hands.

I will not consider this taking a stab at yotamnor, but I will ask this question, in the several turns of you being the leader of the IWP, what have you effectively done or said to lead this party. It has always appeared that Sadeh has been the leader of the party as a whole and not you? Im sorry this is the way it has appeared. I will say that the party has grown and is still the majority, but the question is now that Sadeh will be out of the picture for the most part according to what he said today, which direction will the party go? how would you lead without Sadeh's direction? These are not stabs at you, this is engagement in friendly debate. I will say nothing of Meanie Ferret man, as I dont know how he will act in a leadership posistion as I have not operated with him, he may do well, I am not in the posistion to say.

This is what I have to say, If one has questions or concerns please post and I will address at my earliest convienance.

And thanks to Sadeh Badeh for leading this nation down the right path thus far, though we had difference of idea and opinion at times, we almost always remained civil to one another and when our argument was over, the sun would come shining thru to make a more productive and stronger Israel.