MSL: Ekim for Nebraska (With Platform)

Day 517, 14:50 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

I would like to (again) formally announce my candidacy for Congressman of Nebraska. Before I get started, though, I must clear something up. If you surf around my profile or history, you will notice that I am not a native Nebraskan, but a native West Virginian instead. Don't let that fool you. If elected Congressman from Nebraska, I will represent Nebraska like I would my own home state and listen to you, whether you be from Nebraska, West Virginia, or anywhere else for that matter.

I am a relatively new eRepublik citizen, having been around for only 2 months, but with friends such as scrab (another native West Virginian) and other older members, I've been able to get a "feel for things" around eRepublik and the eUS.


I support the PANEC tax compromise. This is a uniform tax policy that allows us to fund out military indefinitely. I know that many complain that the taxes are too high, but let's look at eIndonesia. They dropped their taxes extremely low and are now running out of money! They are getting their butts kicked up and down Asia (Go ATLANTIS!) and a large part of it is because they are running out of money.

I believe that in order for us to have a truly efficient tax structure, it must be an across-the-board change that can easily be monitored. If Congress begins to tweak a tax here and tweak a tax there, we're going to end up screwing everything up and not knowing where we went wrong. Also by only having across-the-board tax changes, a lot of the debating energy can be spent on other, more important issues.

Real War

This game is based around war, and we will never be capable of beating anybody until we get some military training. These war games in Baja are a great training ground, and should be continued until a real war begins (so long as Mexico agrees, of course).

If we decide we wish to take part in a Real War, it must be a SMART war. As we recently found out with Mexico, we cannot simply go screaming "in the direction our compass says is south". We must abide by the rules in declaring war, and we must think before we attack. So long as we think before we attack, America can and will be an eWorld superpower.

Meals on Wheels

For some reason, there has been some debate over MoW funding and efficiency. Well, before I go any further, I must say that I am the Meals on Wheels assistant distributor so I might be a little biased. Meals on Wheels is an exceptional program that is both cheap and gives our new citizens that extra boost to make it through those first few rough days.

Government Contracts

After the Justinious Hospital Hostage incident and the Navy theft, I believe it is as clear as ever that we need governmental contracts for anything that deals with taxpayer money. For too long has our money been in the hands of those who we deemed trustworthy without any type of legal backing. Congress needs to set up a system of contractual agreements that are enforceable by the admins and be readily posted and signed by anyone handling government money.

eUS Forums

Although this game is based in eRepublik, most of the business done in our country happens in the forums ( I am extremely active there, and if you contact me on there, I’ll probably get to you faster .
