MSL: Ekim for Nebraska: Election Eve Article

Day 521, 13:03 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

Hello again everyone,

This will be the final article I write before the election, and will be my synopsis of the Nebraskan Congressional election.

We have four candidates, very viable candidates who would all make fine Congressmen:

Dylan Hunt: LiB
ChrisDF0: UIP
Huskerguy77: CVP
SirEkim (Me): USWP

Although all of these people are great citizens and would make great Congressmen, I feel I would make the best Congressman (although I might be ever so slightly biased, haha).


I have been playing eRepublik since the Uncle Sam administration, and have witnessed the success and failure of Operation Taco Bell. I have also received mentoring from President Scrabman, Senator Hokiehigh, and a few other experienced players. With mentoring from these older players who have seen and done it all, I will have an excellent team of advisors surrounding me, allowing me to make sound, correct decisions.


I am highly active both on eRepublik and on the eUS Forums ( I have not missed a single day of action since joining eRepublik over two months ago. In fact, I have been recently appointed to Assistant Distributor of Meals on Wheels and have sent food aid to hundreds of new citizens, getting us closer to getting back on schedule.

Congressional Promises

Although I cannot promise policy changes or certain laws to be proposed, I believe there are a few promises that I can make. If anyone would like to give me an idea, I will address that idea and see if it is possible/plausible. Also, if elected to Congress, I will record all of my votes with both the Speaker of the House and on my newspaper, here.


Also, I am the only candidate in this race with a Presidential endorsement! Thanks Scrab 🙂 Scrabman is a fellow West Virginian (like I am in real life), and we share many of the same values, but don't worry, if he makes a mistake, I won't be afraid to speak up.

For more information on my views on certain policies, go here.


Meals on Wheels Assistant Distributor
Hopeful Nebraskan Senator