MoSD Article: Our DoE and Something New!

Day 1,058, 10:49 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Social Affairs

Our DoE and Something New!

- Welcome to Damien Wolf
- Something New!

Welcome to Damien Wolf

I would like to welcome Damien Wolf as our new Director of Education. He is quite new to politics within eSouth Africa and after speaking to him is very enthusiastic about his new role to educate the population of eSouth Africa on how to play the game and of any changes that may occur. You can contact him on his profile. Wish him all the best in this new appointment.

This means our team is complete and we are able to operate at full capacity. Expect a lot more from us in the coming articles.

Something New!

I would also like to introduce you to something new and something I am rather excited about. I think the best way to explain this is for you to watch.

I hope to create regular broadcasts jammed pack with information. I wish to collaborate with the Ministry of Information and make this a joint project. I hope you will enjoy them. It allows to connect better with the public.

Thanks for reading,

Minister of Social Development