MoSD Article: Mentoring and Contacting Us

Day 1,056, 14:55 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Social Affairs

- Mentoring
- Contacting Us

This a slightly smaller article than last time but important none the less. If you are a newer, inexperienced player needing a little hand or are an experienced oldy like me, then do read on.


As most you all know, South Africa has been PTOed by Hungary. They have denied to most of us the ability to run for election in the political module; they have taken away are MPPs with our allies and have replaced it with a MPP with Failgary; they have lost us our capital; and currently they have so mismanaged the government that we don’t have enough money to pay for the new citizen fee. What they won’t stop is the strong friendly community we have and the humbling people with in it.

In order to keep our country intact we need people to help point the direction in these murky times, to the bright light of the true eSouth Africans to the newer players to the game. If we do not, we may lose them to the other side. Do you feel like you could help stop this? Become a Mentor! If you do, you’ll be assigned to a new citizen to help out. You can answer any questions they have, and will make the citizen much more like to continue playing the game. With your help, that citizen will have the knowledge to go out into the eWorld to fight against the Huns, and succeed. You will also gain a great friend, and someone who may vote for you in elections *wink wink*.

In truth, we cannot afford anyone to slip through the net and so if you, like me, want to see this country back on its feet and have the time to advise these newer players, please contact us. Details are below.

Similarly, if you are a new citizen reading this, or even an older citizen with a few questions about the game, or don’t know where to go for a good time: Come talk to us at the Department of Mentorship! We’re happy to answer your questions, and will assign you an experienced, warm, friendly mentor if you want more help. They will help you as much as you want or as little as you want. What’s to lose? You can at least gain a new Erepublikan friend. Send us a PM today.

Contacting Us

If you required any assistance you can do so by contacting the relevant person as seen below:

For General help or if you have ideas please contact SamGibz, Superslax or the Ministry of Social Development directly.

For Educational reference, please contact the Department of Education.

To either help or receive mentoring, please contact Golgavar or the Department of Mentoring.

To either player or offer ideas with the Department of Fun, contact Joesph Rich.

Thank you to Golgavar, our Director of Mentoring, for helping with this article.

All the best,

Minister of Social Development