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Day 806, 11:30 Published in Romania Romania by NOSHADEZS

21:09 censore😛 I hope that mpp will be modified, I don't like that player from one place fight in place on another continent 😉 it's kinda unrealistic
21:10 NOSHADEZS yeah.. its stupid
21:11 NOSHADEZS did you know that in the beginning
21:11 NOSHADEZS there was no war module at all
21:15 censore😛 any battles between nations?
21:16 NOSHADEZS nope
21:16 NOSHADEZS it really was a " social-simulator "
21:16 NOSHADEZS those was the days of creation
21:17 NOSHADEZS then there came the man(e-citizen)
21:17 NOSHADEZS and he wanted to wage war on others
21:17 NOSHADEZS so Admin invented war
21:18 NOSHADEZS for that was what e-citizen wanted
21:18 NOSHADEZS 😁))
21:18 NOSHADEZS then the seventh day came, so admin had to get some rest
21:19 NOSHADEZS that was the day when the headless chicken came out of the bottomless pit

Adminia - Days of creation

[ pamphlet😛 ]