MoI - The State of Affairs

Day 1,419, 11:25 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Information

The State of Affairs [Day 1419]
Brought to you by the Ministry of Information

The "Addy Administration" has been in goverment for a little over 6 days now, and already they have begun to show thier dedication, reliablity and thier ability to perform both individually and collectivley as a whole.

The Addy Administration aims to make eCanada a top destination for experienced soldiers, polititians and buisnessman alike by pursuing full region bonuses for both the Food & Weapon Industries, Increasing MU Population by increasing incentives for members and leading the reform of our justice system that will result in not only a safe eCanada, but also a just one.

Our Administration

The head of our Administration, Addy Lawrence as President (also acting Minister of Finance) and Phillipe Delle Palme (PDP) as Vice President - together comitted to building a better eCanada.

Our administration is comprised of three ministers;

Muglack - Minister of Defence (MoD)

Muglack is a born Military Man and a true patriot, confident in the descisions he makes, and not content on giving anything but 120%. Under his guidance we aim to bolster our resource bonus either through negotiations, or by a show of force. He knows what it takes to get the job done, and he isnt afraid to let anyone know that.

Bunsen HoneyDew - Minister of Justice (MoJ)

Bunsen is leading the charge to reform our justice system, and has already began a thinktank to try and push the reformations along as quickly as practically possible. He is a well respected member of eCanada, and a fitting MoJ with his cool head and ability to take on all points of a discussion or argument before augmenting a final descision.

Ethel Rosenberg - Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)

Ethel has proven on many an occasion to be an extremley capable diplomat, and a very persuasive character. She began her term and MoFA by begining to renew our MPP's, and starting to forge close ties to the administrations of some of our closest allies. Ethel is one of the most respected diplomats on the world political scene, and has laready began representing eCanada in both EDEN and TERRA.

Mafanikio - Minister of Information (MoI)

I aim to help our administration prevail where others have fallen, by keeping the eCanadian population updated reguarly and also by helping to streamline some of the proccesses inside my own ministry, hopefully changing it for the better. I have at my disposal a number of very capable deputies, and I know that they will be able and willing when needed, having already displayed their dedication, commitment and . I dont underestimate the power of communication and to quote our very own president:

"I agree [Aeriala], results > articles. No articles = fail & Too many articles with no results = impeachment".

I don't think he does either.

Closing Remarks

The past few days have been mainly about ajustment, about the transition between one administration to the next, The next few days, however, will be about results. About starting to set into motion the aims and the responsibilities of our administration. This will not be an easy term, nor will it be particuarly simplistic or straitforward, but it will be at the very least one thing, sucessful.

Thank you eCanada, god speed, and stay frosty.

Mafanikio - Minister of Information
Gary Hubert - Deputy Minister of Information