MoI Report - Its your job at risk!!!

Day 399, 02:35 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

As outlined in the last MoI report it is important that we (Australians) purchase Australian made products over any foreign imports. I have been observing the market over the last few days and it has come to my attention that the slightly cheaper imported products have been selling at a much higher rate than the Australian ones. This has become a great concern to me as many companies are struggling as it is. I have already seen a number of companies go under due to this issue, meaning that we have lost almost 15% of the jobs available to the citizens of Australia. However I am aware that we have a number of pieces missing out of the puzzle particularly in the manufacturing industries, including a shortage of food between Q2 and Q5.

Even after the sharp loss in value of the AUD it seems that there are a number of foreign companies hanging around, some doing good however most are crippling our economy. Below is a list of Australian companies that I strongly recommend you purchase from before you purchase from foreign companies. As I stated before, there are some areas of the economy that Australian companies have not touched as of yet so we will have to purchase from importers in the mean time.

FOO😨 C&C Sustenance (Q1), Australian Foods (Q1), AusFoods (Q1), Down Under Food (Q1), Woolworths (Q2), Q2 Food Company (Q2), True Blue Tucker (Q5)

MOVING: THE FLYING BRASS (Q1), Australian Airlines (Q2)

WEAPONS: Kangaroo Freedom Makers(Q1), The People's Armory (Q2), True Blue Weapons (Q2), C&C Weapon Systems (Q5)

GIFTS: Aussie Favourite Gifts (Q1), ISG Crystal Kangaroos (Q2)

GRAIN: BB Grain Ltd. (Q1), Eureka Farming (Q1), Vincent's Grain (Q1), eWORK College - GRAIN (Q1) BRASS RAZOO GRAIN (Q2),True Blue Grain (Q3)

IRON: BHP Billiton (Q1), Julia Perez Iron (Q1), True Blue Iron (Q2), The People's Mining Company (Q3), C&C Iron (Q3)


WOO😨 Stringy Bark Woodmills (Q1), True Blue Lumber (Q1)


If you own a company that you think should be on this list please PM me (Corny-ratbag).

My suggestion to citizens is to purchase from the companies listed above before purchasing from an importing company. If all the listed companies do not have stock on the market and you can't wait until they do, I would suggest purchasing from other companies in limited amounts.

My suggestion to companies purchasing RM, only purchase Australian products. Stock up while there is some on the market. With RM each quality level is an extra unit of RM. So for example Q1 is 1 unit of RM where as Q5 would be 5 units of RM. This means there is no added value for higher quality RM other than the price. Which in most cases will be cheaper than lower quality products. Also please purchase from a range of companies to make sure we can all continue to supply jobs.

Australia, we need to band together and support local businesses, after all - it is your job at risk.

On a final note, General Managers please do not undercut fellow Australian companies. In the long run you are only hurting yourself.

Corny-Ratbag: Minister of Industry
Patti11: Understudy to MoI