MoI Report - It comes back to haunt you!!!

Day 408, 06:20 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

This is a message to those general managers that think they are helping the economy by undercutting the opposition, to a point where they are selling below cost price, just to bring in money to pay their workers. At the time it may seem like the right thing to do for your company and workers alike, however the truth is that your are potentially crashing the market. I have seen where companies undercut each other to the extend that EVERY company went bust, literally every single company. I have also seen it where companies undercut each other to the lowest they could possibly bare (0.08GBP for Q1 food), and it sat at that price for months on end. Now for the consumer this is all well and good but for the company and its workers its a living hell.

The way ownership of a company works in V1 allows a company to go into a hibernating state. Meaning that it does not need to have any attention until it is needed, this can be used to your advantage. If it comes to a time where you think you have to either sell at below cost or throw in the towel, there is another option, hibernation. The best way to take advantage of this as follows;

1. Keep posting your stock on the market at a value you would normally or are willing to sell at (not below cost)
2. Continue operations as normal, however stockpiling your stock until funding starts to run low
3. Start messaging your workers asking them to move to another company until you are able to sell your stock at a decent price
4. Once all your workers have left, or only a few remain, continue your stock as it sells. This may take time, however as the market starts to recover your stock will sell faster.
5. As your stockpile depletes, start to re-employee your previous and / or new staff.
6. Try and balance the number of workers you have with the demand of your stock. Do this by comparing the number of items made by your employees to the number of items you sell on the market and either dismiss or hirer more workers as needs be.

Now it may sound "mean" firing employees, however if you message them to give them a couple of days or so notice they will easily find a new job that they can move to. There are currently plenty of offers on the market in all industries so they will not have a problem.

Basically, GM's please do not undercut other companies to an extent that you are selling below cost. There are plenty of options, including hibernating or messaging fellow companies and making a deal with them or possibly even selling up if you can't cope with the demands of being a GM. The worse thing to do however, is undercut.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE .... DO NOT SELL BELOW COST PRICE. In the end you its going to come back and bite you on the butt.

Minister of Industry

Note: If you have any questions regarding your business don't hesitate to PM me. I will be glad to help in any way I can.