Mod Racism?

Day 851, 05:38 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Policy

Dear Fellow Citizens,
Yesterday I published a patriotic article on my home country of Pakistan. The article showed pictures of national heroes, however mere hours after it's publication it has been deleted by the admins/mods without even informing me. As I can see the article broke no Erepublik law. And the only conclusion I can come to is that either this deletion was caused by predujiuce of a moderator or admin.
The people listed in the article:
Mahammud Ali Jinnah
Imran Khan
General's Of Pakistani Army
AQ Khan

Furthermore, the article in question at the bottom had a picture with a Pakistani flag with the message "Pakistan Zindabad" (Long Live Pakistan). And was not spam as it was intended for the rl Pakistanis of ePakistan and the New World as a spoiler article for Independece day.

If we are not allowed to publish articles regarding our nations, then I ask the admins to stop adding nations based on their Internet users as they will obv. care about their nation! Also, the admins have added NK a blacklisted nation in rl, which conflicts with their reason to not allow Iranians to buy gold. If the article was deleted becauce of any of the people within it then admins should delete NK!