Mississippi Update! (5/14)

Day 541, 04:05 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

How’s it going Mississippi?

I’m sorry it’s been a while since an update, but I’ve been so busy in real life, eRepublik had to take a back seat for a moment. I’m still taking it a bit slower, but I have a little free time so I’m giving you a much deserved update.

A lot has happened over the past couple weeks. I’ve been fired by Scrabman, been running the Mentorship Program single-handedly, been managing a large influx of brand new Federalists (welcome my new friends!), working in the Department of Education (Scrab can fire me all he wants, but I love helping new players), and of course, working in Congress.

In Congress I recently proposed in-game my first law (although embarrassingly enough it took me two tries to get it right), and I’m happy to say it Equality 7-2521 for the actual proposal and idea, but I’m honored he approached me to propose it, and I’m proud to support lower taxes for our citizens, especially on weapons.

The Federalist Party is another thing I would like to address. We have started a massive recruiting effort (headed by the amazing Fingerguns) and we have gone from just under 100 members to (at this writing) 131 in just over a week. This is an incredible growth, and we’ve gone from ninth ranked party in the eUSA to the eighth, surpassing the Green Party. If we keep up this rate of growth, we will surpass the Democratic and Nationalist Party in a few months. It’s a very exciting time to be a Federalist, and any of those interested in joining our rise to the top should contact Fingerguns or me for more information.

We are gearing up for our Congressional Elections, as many parties are. We have chosen a group of highly qualified, highly active, and highly driven individuals to run this time around. I won’t ruin the surprise of who is all running (that will come after PP elections), but I’m very excited. This is a huge step forward for our party, and it is very ambitious for a party of our size. We currently have the largest Congress Member to Member ratio of any party in America, and we are aiming to continue that tradition this time around.

Here is my voting record for the past few weeks, I have voted for all proposals, but lulz proposals will be omitted. I’m sorry for the lack of explanations, but I want to avoid the repetition it causes. If you would like to know why I voted a certain way, just PM me and I’ll let you in on my thought process.

All MPP’s were yes, minus Brazil.

Tax Change Weapon: No
Peace w/ Mexico: Yes
Tax Change Gift: No
Tax Change Tickets: No
Tax Change House: No
Issue Money: No
Peace w/ UK: Yes
99996 to CBO: Yes
Tax Change Weapon: No
Tax Change Weapon: Yes
99994 to CBO: Yes

Finally an announcement: I will be seeking re-election on the 25th of May for a fourth term in this great state of Mississippi. Look for an official announcement and platform in a few days.

Remember to vote and subscribe in order to get all my voting records and news from your Representative.

Bill Brasky
3-Term Congressman Mississippi