Missing Gold. Missing Legitimacy.

Day 486, 20:22 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

Today, former Vice President, Joe DaSmoe, broke news on what appears to be a case of misuse of public funds and could amount to corruption among the so called ‘beta-giants’. It would appear, that while our beloved United States Marine Core has been fighting against Indonesia via their current conflict with Romania, Uncle Sam has been funneling funds and gold, gold from Fort Knox, gold that your taxes have funded, to people whom he has had a personal connection with in foreign countries. These people have be received funding from America, and our troops on the ground have gone without it.

America, you will be hard pressed to find anyone in the New World who is more convinced of the absolute necessity of destroying PEACE, and ensuring that an alliance between those states who currently carry its banner never rises again.

But, in no way does my inability to tolerate PEACE incline me to selling out Americans for the sake of other people. Especially when those people are friends to one of the most untrustworthy people in all of the New World.

Uncle Sam.

In a recent article, Uncle Sam wrote, “I am not looking for pitty, nor do I have any desire to resign”. Those of you who deign to read my articles know full well that I have called Uncle Sam out in the past. Both in my own writing, and in responses to his. While Sam does a fair job of responding to Americans who pose tough, serious questions to him through his articles, he has a spoken in recent articles how the majority of his detractors are citizens of various nations belonging to PEACE.

If you’re reading this, Sam, take a good, long, hard look at my profile. I am an American citizen. I am calling you out.

Your actions in Mexico made you suspect, and this most recent report is a look at just how terrible your designs are. Your only goal at this point is the robbing of the American treasury. The gold you have funneled into your friends’ accounts is gone. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it surface in your checking book, or the checking book of one of your organizations sometime after the next election.

I would even dare to question where the fines to the ATLANTIS nations will end up. Infact, I would like to call into question now, that your motivation for not informing ATLANTIS that America was going to war with Mexico was not a simple oversight, but, that it was part of a plan to get at least some percentage of those fines into your own pockets.

This is not some citizen of a PEACE nation talking here, Sam. I don’t give a damn what the rest of the New World thinks. This is a red blooded American. A citizen who, at one time, supported you. A citizen who has realized you have no sort of legitimacy. A citizen who is demanding you step down from your office.

I dare you, Sam, to prove me wrong. I dare you to prove America wrong. Are you courageous enough to actually step down? Or are you too busy shoveling our gold into your private accounts?

Edit; I felt it was important to add this. These are links to both Joe's article that I mentioned at the beginning of this edition of Demosthenes, and is followed by Uncle Sam's most recent article.

Joe's Article; http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-fleecing-of-america-758790/1/20

Uncle Sam's Article; http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-431-gold-where-and-why--758925/1/20