Mirror, mirror on the wall... (We are going to free you from your freedom)

Day 1,270, 08:11 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Gil-games

Dear fellow citizens!

I created a short analyses on the upcoming war. First I show you numbers and the a lil` explanation to them.

As you might already know Argentina proposed a Natural Enemy law on us. So we did the same. A bit later 3 alliance request are pending, but those must be accepted on the other side too. It will be a whole day war with the current positions.

The Sizes:

Nz stand with 517 citizen on 4 territories and its well known raw materials.

Argentina has 6400+ citizen on 23 territoreis and has any material, but deer and saltpeter.

Our Taxes are on 10% in any way. They tax rates are double then ours.

Both of us will be NE to each other, so thats makes no difference.


NZ`s 5 allies are big, steady and busy. Serbia and Hungary are still leading powers in the game. However the have their on business at hand. At least these will expiries in 2-3 weeks. Indo invited...

Argentina has 10 alliance, but only 5-6 of them are major countries and 3 of them are as good as on our side. Their allies are busy as well and the expiries of their treaties are 1 week averagely, and only 3 days with the Croats. Bulgaria and Greece invited...

And now, as you can see the situation is not so rosy. They are aprox. twice (or more) as strong as we are. So reg. your sheep into the game and FIGHT. Make the dogs run in fear...
See this pic!
