Ministry of Social Development and YOU!

Day 900, 14:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma

We all need a helping hand sometime. Maybe it’s a bit of advice or some food while we’re on holiday. Sometimes it’s better understanding of game mechanics or a few wellness gifts. At other times it’s an attentive listener or, perhaps, a good laugh on a dark day.

Whether we address eRep as a game based solely on mechanics or an opportunity to roleplay, or some mixture of the two, we all depend on our allies in this game if we want to progress quickly and well.

The Ministry of Social Development wants to join with all good South African citizens to make us, as a team, as strong and knowledgeable as possible. We all know the threats and challenges we face, as both individual players and as a united team. The only way to overcome our challenges is through mutual support and education.

The MoSD is made up of 4 main departments:

Our Mentors work with new players, helping them get through the first challenging weeks of play. The Education Department provides valuable articles for all of our citizens, helping them understand strategies and new developments in the game. Our Health Department gives a hand up to soldiers and civilians who have issues with wellness. In addition to aid, however, education on wellness issues is an essential part of that work. Finally, our Department of Fun works to increase our Gross National Happiness through articles, games and contests.

Each of these departments is as essential to our success as any other aspect of game play. The people who do this work are heroes and national treasures.

Do you have aspirations for politics? You’ll make great contacts with leaders and citizens alike through MoSD work. Do you enjoy writing, making comics, creating games? This is the place for you. Do you care about South Africa’s success in eRep? This is the department where you can make an impact. I hope you’ll consider becoming part of our work in South Africa.

If you’re interested in joining our efforts or if you need assistance, please let me know.

Thank you!

Dycey Farley
Minister of Social Development
Congress Representative, Mpumalanga
Member, New Africa Party
Crimson Commander, The Crimson Order