Ministry of Finance Report

Day 871, 12:44 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Shalom Citizens of eIsrael!

I'm Sam Krakower, the Minister of Finance. Here's some stuff we want you guys to know.

Minister: Sam Krakower
Vice Minister: Boer-boeti
Interns: 70MDII, Robbie Lizzini, Polish Sausage

Our ministry comes under the supervision the President. He has prepared a set of preliminary objectives for us.

· Maintain stable NIS rate 0.02
· Maintain liquidity, at least 7,000 NIS in IFD and country accounts at any one time
· Produce a budget for April-May
· Make regular (at least weekly) reports on MoF activity and the budget
· Maintain reserves above 1,000 gold
· Undertake a full review of taxes and make a proposal to cabinet and then to Knesset.

Those are our goals. We'll do our best to achieve all of them.

vMoF, Interns- Sign up on the natl. forum, we will do our work from there. No google docs 😃

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower, Minister of Finance